Transaction Pending

So, I have been trying for the past 2 days to resubscribe my account. Yesterday, I just did what I always do and go to the website and click the whole resub button etc, and assumed the transaction had gone through and went about my day. I didn’t have time to log in yesterday or I might have known sooner. I logged in tonight and saw that all my characters were on lockdown accept the lowbies which I could log into, but couldn’t talk to anyone etc. Anyways, back on topic…So I went to try and resub again…thinking that maybe there was an error. The transaction had never come out of my bank. This time, I get through the whole choose your sub plan etc, and clicked the button to pay. It said that it was taking longer than usual to process my payment which puzzled me. My card is up to date on my account and I have more than enough money in my bank to cover it…So could someone please help me to understand why this is happening? I also tried paying with my paypal even though doing that will likely cause me to be charged twice for subbing, but I figured I would at least try it since the other normal way didn’t seem to be working, but once again. Payment just went on to pending and nothing has happened. I have never had it take this long to process a payment from a card before let alone paypal. Is blizzard’s website broken? Has it been hacked or something? Should I be concerned? Since the live chats are closed until tomorrow…a response tonight would probably be a pipe dream, but I’m putting this up here just in case. PLEASE if you can help me figure this out I would appreciate it. Thanks.

you can open a ticket and do call back or live chat and talk to billing.


A ticket can take up to 24hrs, I can’t do a call back tonight because people in my house are sleeping and it would wake them up. I am just putting this here in the hopes that a Blue might notice it and answer my question. I already said that Live Chat won’t work tonight because it is past their business hours. :slight_smile: Just trying to get a response of some sort tonight. If I can’t get one tonight, then tomorrow I will open a Live Chat. Also, even more puzzling, is that the website says that my account is active, but the payment is still pending, and the Blizzard Launcher still says I do not have game time.

There proabably gona tell you to either leave ur ticket open or open a ticket to talk to billing. 24hr is a estimate not a garenteed timer.


From what I can see in your recent transactions, Loranish, the first purchase attempt appears to have failed. The second one is currently pending authorization.

I’d say if that fails, doublecheck with your bank to make sure that your card is approved for purchases. I’d also check the payment methods you have listed in Account Management. You may try deleting any saved methods of payment and adding it back new.

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I’ll add
You can’t go through the blizzard website as of this year

You have to go to the CHARACTER SELECT screen and click the red shop button

They rerouted all the payment to this location

You can buy time through the web site. Don’t need the ingame shop.

Well sir I couldn’t when I tried back in October. My card expired, I had to add the payment method at the blizzard site then had to go to the in game character select menu and click shop…
Yeah it makes no sense to me eitherpaying real life bills and this thing redirects you all over the place but that’s how it works now

(And yes all the drop downs are still on the master bliZZ site however when you attempt to make a purchase it just spins an spins)