Trans Women ARE Women

Gotta say I respect worgen death knights. I loved the worgen Dk it’s like so edgy

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Not too brave, then.


I would imagine your LGBTQ+ friends are sensible enough to know doing any amount of things Talonel does is counterproductive.

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this sums up just about every one of OP’s threads

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Personally Im just confused by what he’s saying. Id like clarification
So far we know ‘trans are real women’ but they dont want to be called ‘women’, I think, but its fluid…or something…so how are they women if women isnt a fluid thing, but…

jesus…my head hurts now.
thread /muted for my own sanity


Go back to trolling 4chan, please.

Dude, I’ll be suspended or banned in no time. I know how this place works. I won’t compromise my principles or ignore truth to have access to a video game forum. So be it.


Well, instead of telling people what you prefer for pronouns, you just get outraged and put everyone on ignore. Perhaps if you told people what you prefer, you wouldn’t have to be so angry and offended all the time.

It works both ways. You can’t claim they’re phobic and don’t use the correct pronouns when you won’t tell anyone what they are.


I don’t typically insert myself into these, cause I mean, just read up. But let’s not toss around words like “groomer” as if that’s just what the LGBTQ people are all about. Even the thought is quite disgusting to most of us.


I have a mate whose name is Tom but he goes by dave. I call him dave because he told me to call him dave. I wouldn’t have called him dave if I didn’t know that’s what he preferred.

I dont see how it is a complex issue for people really :man_shrugging:

Edit. Also on here I talk with so many people that I forget who is who so if I call someone the wrong name or whatever it is through forgetfulness not hatred.

Another edit. Based on demographic I default to he since the styreotyoe is that guys play this game most so I shoot for the most likely one and if someone corrects me then I try to remember to use that one (see above)


Can we like not have these threads. Kinda tired of reading someone’s posts on here and thinking they are a decent human being…and then they post in here.

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oh god its another talonel thread


it’s easy.

people choosing their own pronouns doesn’t impact you at all. if someone wants to be called “they” then refer to them in that manner. If someone wants to be called she, refer to her in that manner.

if you don’t know what someone prefers and they get insulted, that’s on them not you. If they correct you, or otherwise tell you their preference, and you refuse to use them/him/her in the manner that individual prefers, that’s on you.

but at the end of the day, the big deal people make about other’s preferred prounouns is so dumb. it literally does not matter to me if the person next to me wants me to refer to them as them/him/her or whatever. I’m not going to lose sleep over it, lose my mind, get stressed or get angry, because it has 0 impact on me.

but, it could have a huge impact on them. So basically: don’t be a butthead about it.


Exactly. If someone corrects me and politely tells me what their preference is, then I’ll absolutely use that. But they can’t get mad at me for not knowing. I’m not psychic.


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When your telling people “It’s the kind of thing that gets people killed”… while using the attitude that also hurts people… It’s very hypocritical. A bit of self awareness knows that attitude will get people hurt or even dead even for being this quick and accusatory in this sort of “Guilty until proven innocent” mindset here.

Well considering Talonel didn’t even point out what qualifies as anti-trans language, will you tell us what is anti-trans then?.. if you think there’s actual danger, actual conquences of actual death involved, then tell us. It’s very important. I mean… For god sakes, you care a bit more then OP here given the fact you went in a touch more detail here… for a matter that is life threatening…

If you want people to be on your side, you have to be fair.

Oh it’s MY fault for not getting it?.. You’re over here, saying “anti-trans langauge will get people killed”…KILLED… and you’re pining the blame on me for YOU, not even explaining what’s the exact problem is and telling me to just search it up, only to get it wrong anyways because you never told me a god dang thing. :man_facepalming:

Either you’re incredibly clueless in the severity of this topic you’re engaged in, or you’re actively malicious. And i would rather think you’re being clueless.

Ovbiously it’s not fine with you considering you’re have a problem with me asking why can’t you be fair…

And were on your side here. They do have a right to exist in the world, and WoW. Nobody, i repeat, nobody should be killed over for what they are.

But you don’t do that by spreading hatred back to those who hate you. You don’t do that be being unfair. Because it only begets more hatred and just brings in more unfairness.


why is this here - is this WOW related???

I can’t even comprehend how people equate the two. It’s mind boggling.


Maybe one day you will learn math.

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I hate this sentence.

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Nawwwwwwww bro