Trans Women ARE Women

95% sure that he is fake.

He got caught a bunch at the start of his career making homophobic and transphobic talking points alongside his talonel persona.

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I would like to see that tbh. :laughing: /j

Obviously, if itā€™s in the past, then chances they donā€™t hold those opinions anymore or learned from themā€¦ people can change, thatā€™s fine.

Yeah, because I donā€™t know OP and havenā€™t seen them being awful in every thread related to anything LGBTQ+ but I know you have! Imagine that.

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It goes both ways. If we donā€™t agree or ask you to take it elsewhere, weā€™re accused of being stupid or uneducated. People are actually being about as nice as they can be. Take it to off topic and leave GD alone.


so then theyre not women?? :flushed:


how is it that this guy is still allowed to post here :confused:


Sure you have, because once again, post history is a thing! Also, more than welcome to quote where I have been, would love to see it.


What, precisely, do you mean by groomer? What, exactly, are you trying to say, calling me a groomer? Letā€™s see how brave you really are.


Most of my LGBTQ+ friends definitely donā€™t.


Books are sandwiches filled with words.


Mods have proven on multiple occasions that they are incapable of looking at the overall context of someoneā€™s posting history and realize there is a problem unfortunately.


You can figure it out yourself. Your massive intellect should help you find a way.


Well this thread reached 112 replies as of me posting this. Yā€™all keep giving OP attention they desire.


Say hello to python.

Both are correct in python. Python rounds downā€¦for everything.

Why in python you have to be be careful and use explicit casting for float.

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Iā€™m mostly here for the shyte show. Itā€™s super entertaining, especially the gnome with their undies in a wad.

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Enjoy your forum suspension troll.

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Forum fightnight lets gooooo


Iā€™m not here to call balls and strikes, and Iā€™m not here for some made-up sense of fairness or decorum. When people engage in anti-trans language, anti-trans dogwhistles, and anti-trans trolling, Iā€™m not looking to be fair to those people, any more than Iā€™d try to be fair to a person pointing a loaded gun at my face. If you donā€™t understand why anti-trans rhetoric gets people killed, thatā€™s on you. The internet is RIGHT THERE, and if you donā€™t educate yourself, thatā€™s fine.

But Iā€™m here for the right of trans people to exist in the world, including World of Warcraft.

The kind of nonsense we see in threads like this is precisely why we have to keep speaking up and keep making room.


At this point itā€™s mostly just people messing about.

As well as the overly offended arguing with the overly offensive.
Itā€™s quite the entertaining read.

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The fact that even posting this makes me expect it to get removed is a problem imo

(To the mod that may end up reading this. What TOS specifically have I actually breached?)

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