Trans Women ARE Women

I remember the 1st time I was shown that freshman year of high school.

That was a wild class…

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LOL :rofl:

I apologise profusely and shall try harder in the future :rofl: Legend

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Depends, some people don’t want to identify as women, the term itself is quite fluid.

Damnit, I thought this was a Wendy’s.


Wish I actually paid attention in High School, took me until University to appreciate “learning” for what it is.

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The ability of human beings to exist in the world, including in gaming spaces, is very important. Even the bare minimum of self-education might show you why. But you don’t bother.

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“Education is wasted on the young” some famous person I think. Maybe it’s youth is wasted on the young. Idk but my point stands lol

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It requires dividing by zero which is why the thing falls apart. It’s essentially using pure arithmetic and falls apart once you actually start using real numbers.


In case you still don’t know the trick, the fallacy is at (x=y)

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Mmmm grilled cheese… I made BLT’s this evening.


Proud of you all from steering away from OP bait but at same time OP threads would just need to be ignored in order for them to stop imo.


And to think I can here to talk about a video game……


Let’s talk why did you pick a Draenei shaman. Why not a tauren shaman


It took me having to pay for it to appreciate it. High School I graduated near the bottom of my class because I found school boring. University I got a 3.8 working 40/hrs a week.


Goes into geek mode…actually (meant jokingingly) the first iteration of the pentium 3 (think 3, could be 2) had a little math co-proc code error.

While it didn’t mess up 1+1 it did mess up higher level stuff. BUt the meme for it at the time was 1+1=2.1111111111

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OP has a good point given topics lately, and those that continually target me and specifically avoid using my preferred pronouns or simply my char name.

I don’t see how OP’s post is ‘vitriolic’ even if it’s assumed to be them stirring the pot. You, on the other hand given your post history in such topics…

Curiously, what you just did is both as well as trying to discuss ‘account actions’.

Quite a few people doing that, yet they go on about ‘forum rules’ and what’s ‘appropriate for these forums or not.’

Thought you would be the heteronormative type to say 1+1 can end up 3? Guess not.

For LGBTQ+ people, it actually can be. Intentional misgendering is a human rights violation, even in Canada.

Just like this person calling LGBTQ+ people such awful things, enough to try to pass a bill in regards to school systems which in fact will harm children and families.

The fact that people will go off at OP because of personal dislike, instead of people like this in threads? Yeah, keep proving what you’re all about.


I don’t play Horde. Don’t like playing evil….

Why Draenei? I picked them at random

I don’t think the LGBT+ would want anybody like Talonel in their group, because not only it makes opposition or other people double down on their views, but incites only hatred and abnormality to the group their supposedly allied with. I mean one could even say that he’s the hidden homophobia we should be looking out for.

If i were in Talonel’s position, i would just try not to be a jerk about it. Sometimes people can be redeemed and can be convinced if you’re not a grade A piledriver. :slight_smile:

No offense, but… being human doesn’t mean you have to be a pile of crap to somebody else. Because as i said … pretty much everywhere on the forums at this point, hatred begets hatred.

If the message is to mind your attitudes because it will get people hurt, sure. But why exactly you’re not minding yours then? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Weird how you talk about the OP as a singular post yet bring my post history up, all the while ignoring the post history of the OP, rofl. Also, my post history is pretty standard when it comes to topics such as this.


No that’s next door. This could be a Burger King one day though

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