Trans Women ARE Women

You do you I guess. I thought this was bait originally but now I think you are genuine. Anyways I’m going to avoid this thread seeing as it’s derailed. Good luck Talonel and everyone else going to go back to leveling my forsaken hunter.

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Remember: if you ignore all evidence that doesn’t support your conclusion, it’s impossible to be proven wrong.

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It’s also impossible to be proven wrong when never wrong in the first place.

Just do what I am about to do.
Scroll to end of the thread, open the “Tracking” menu and choose “Muted”. Then exit the thread… poof it’s gone! Bye bye! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

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Not “have to”, “can”. Being human means we are all just as likely to be a jerk as a non-LGBT+. You’ve misunderstood me apparently as meaning “being human means you have to be crap”.


Being 29, I’d agree to both of those points, whether or not I’d be considered “young” (I certainly don’t feel it in my back). :stuck_out_tongue:

Oi, this was me. I had teachers who taught because it was a job, I’ve since learned the extreme value that comes from having a teacher that loves what they teach.


Oh, I did. I unhid a post that I thought was from someone else and decided it would be helpful to point out what I did.

LOL no. We’ve all watched you quite often immediately jump to being offended, calling people phobic and claiming you’re ignoring them after one or two replies where you never once tell them what pronouns to use.

It’s common practice and we all see it.

Good job being offensive towards others by claiming they’re pretending to be who they truly are.

Caught you in your own hypocrisy.

And you STILL refuse to tell people what YOU personally prefer for YOURSELF, just so you can get offended again. lol

Enjoy that hypocrisy and have a nice day! :smiley::+1:

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They call me a troll because I match their energy, and don’t back down. I will always fight for human rights and I want this game to be more inclusive for oppressed and victimized minorities.

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Well fair enough, i just don’t think we should hate back because hatred begets hatred.

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I don’t think you know that person’s post history and how he likes to intentionally stir crap up.

Especially since now he’s accusing me of being homophobic and transphobic without providing proof. He does this with anybody really.

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Promoting violence?

Wut. I legit have not seen anyone call for mobbing of others or legit physical threats on these forums


Literally nothing in your OP had anything to do with this game and you made some wild claim about how people here are promoting violence.


Who would think that? It’s just, if we put ourselves on a pedestal, with unrealistic expectations, we set ourselves up to fail. We seem to agree on this anyway :slight_smile:

how now…

don’t insult clowns like that!

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I mean if I could, I would punch Pelagos in the face. That has more to do with him being a whiny, useless blueberry in Bastion more than anything else lol.


Curiously you liked Thallias post when they did the same thing. Weird, isn’t it?

Hmm, curiously no quotes. I guess I can just say that you’ve intentionally misgendered me multiple times, refuse to moderate your discord server when OUTSIDE of forum harassment of me takes place and more including people in the server using incorrect pronouns.

But I guess that’s what you’re all about, isn’t it? Act like an ally, but never actually do anything about it?

Again, unsubstantiated. I only do it to people that have consistently do it, argue about it after the fact and refuse to correct it.

Nah, what I’m claiming is that they actually don’t care about LGBTQ+ issues or the people involved. Much like a very certain prominent person who at least was ‘part of the community’ but regularly exercised hate against others within said community.

Caught you in yours, didn’t I? Especially with that discord you run.

I did actually.

Thanks for proving my point by the way.

Has happened to me, more than once on the forums actually. Not so wild. Can just imagine what people like you say behind closed doors, too.


I like my women how I like my eggs. All in 1 basket.

you never really proven yer point neither




No, it’s pretty obvious. Hoisted by your own petard there.


Believe/cope however you like. Doesn’t affect me :man_shrugging:t3:

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