Trans Lives Matter!

In other words you have nothing of importance too retort because you lost. This is what I did to your whole argument

the only successful troll that doesn’t involve baiting people politically I usually see is a thread about whether healers should do damage or if it’s ok to pull as dps or heals instead of the tank lol.

He self righteous ones are the most amusing in my eyes.

The ‘Take a quote from the 1000 holy comicbook and post it in chat’ to cover for their own stupidity and or ignorance get dull after awhile.

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Thing is people want to name call when they can’t win a debate. I made a point backed up with numbers so since they can’t discredit what I said they go to name calling in this case


Kind of how society is today, they don’t want to hear the other side so they spew out names like racist and bigot. This is why we can’t have nice things anymore.

Perhaps you are the ignorant one? If someone wants to quote scripture or anything else, why do you care? A lot of people here ask for inclusion/acceptance yet lack it themselves.

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“If black mermaids and trans dragons upset you, you’re gonna have a bad time going forward. You’d do best to abandon ship sooner than later.”

Why do you need validation to exist?

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You need a large mirror my dude lol


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Can I have an American Flag tabard?

Or a MAGA Tabard?

Or a Blue Lives Matter Tabard?


lol The Latinx community is very religious and a growing population in southern states.

Christians are genuinely kind folks dont know why they attract such disdain.

Christians Lives Matter too lets get a tabard to represent.

That sounds like a super cool action movie title.

I mean, if you want a legitimate answer, it probably has to do with the fact that the most public-facing Christians are consistently pushing their religion for political expediency. Most people understand Christianity as a religion and concept is not innately bad. In fact, any person who has read the Bible will be able to tell you this. Many of the things that people have come to associate Christianity with are things that Christianity has consistently spoken out against.

But this doesn’t really change the fact that some of the most important people in our country have weaponized it for their own gain and have subsequently gained a following.


tabard is a interesting idea but i think it might be copy written? like isnt this the grey area with organization flags where people need to pay for the use?
if its free, id say add. id kill for a guild thing too.


Agreed, but instead of Christian you can insert leaders of any other group of people holding a set of collective ideas: Science, Medicine, Trans, anyReligion, anyRace.

Yes, and sort of. The older generation is very religious. Newer generations, not so much.

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These leaders are not in control of our livelihoods. It’s not really the same thing.

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Its more relevant than Christianity, look at the current cabinet secretaries: Science, Medicine, Trans.

you are getting close just get them to 2k posts.