Trans Lives Matter!

Every response you type is something I would expect from a middle schooler that’s trying to be a bully but reaaaaaally bad at it.


Just going off the title I’ve said this in every blah blah lives matter thread I see.

No lives matter in the end we are all dust.

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A bad troll, I simply stated that the majority of people are religious, and posted actual numbers. Perhaps the only one that needs to go back to school is you?

I don’t really equalize the belief system with the people. it’s really just a small part of their lives. religious extremists are a small percentage.

Reminds of this song

That is true, there are a few who take it way too far and judge others. I have ran into people like that and yes they want to push their agenda on others and judge. Reminds me of some people here that do the same :thinking:

No, you stated that 85% of the worlds population is Christian.


You started with majority are Christian globally. Then you said majority are Christian domestically (America). Now you’re saying the majority are religious.

Pick a lane, chief. If you’re going to troll you should at least remain consistent.


NEVER ever said Christian! Wrong again I clearly stated 85% (which is actually 86%) of people believe in some sort of higher calling. You make fun of my reading comprehension then post this, can’t make this up.

Let’s recap, shall we.


doubling down when you are wrong about something just makes you look even worse. just saying man. everyone can see it clear as day.

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You never once used those words until people pointed out your statistics were wrong.


NOPE, it’s a large thread but go back and see what I originally posted. Love how you put words in my mouth or lie just to change a narrative. Someone earlier said they wanted to cancel anyone


I looked up how many of the world’s population are and it stated 85%!

Yes I did, but your anger makes you forget, go back and look I am not doing your work for you.

I literally just did, and posted the receipts.


And people think God is a good guy after doing such a thing?

Crazy philosophy to me.


I’m bored with you. You’re not even an entertaining troll.



No you didn’t, now you are seeing things.

Are trolls on WoW forums even fun anymore? At this point this forum feels like a graveyard where laughter goes to die.


There are a few that immediately come to mind that are fun to watch flail about.