Trans Lives Matter!

Bad idea. Not needed .

Nah for me, personally I would rather see personalized gear such as shirts and hats than bringing sexual preference into a kids game. I mean all the power to ya whatever your sexual preference is, I just don’t want to hear about it in game

Daily reminder that this is just a video game.

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Really. Get that crap out of here. You don’t see us straight people requesting a “straight” tabard in the game. Keep your filthy politics and ideology out of the game lol


LOL, your name is hilarious!

If you’re a girl, be a girl. If you’re a trans-girl, be a girl. Guys the same. That’s inclusion. Waving flags is really just you wanting, and asking to be seen and treated as different.

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It is a matter of having and displaying pride, but to some degree, you are right; people will treat you differently because of it.
Despite my ‘identities,’ I’ve never quite understood the appeal of wearing pride flags, but the same can also be said of country flags, which are, to a degree, also a form of displaying pride.

The first trans toon, should be a xpac villian, its to easy to write good guys.

Make us want to side with the villian.

are you talking about NPCs or players?

No thanks. Keep real world politics out of the game.


Chromie is canonically trans.

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I think its very cool. Can you also make it so the tabard glows like rainbows and a picture of Hellscream + Thrall making out pops up every 2 mins. on top of the character’s head.

still not enough for me.

Real allies who aren’t concern trolls attempting to throw chum to the phobe-infested waters post on main.

Chromi is a bronze dragon

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She is. :slight_smile:

Can anyone answer me if you can be a non-binary, queer trans man? Or, does the non-binary cancel out the trans man part??

How many of these have I not muted, yet?

It’s relentless I can barely keep up blocking their accounts/posts.