Trans Character Customization

This is a mighty trollish thread. I’m pretty sure most trans people wish in their heart of hearts that they look just like anyone of the gender they identify as. I mean, I saw a bearded person dressed as a woman once (there’s a technical term for it but it’s verboten) but I’m pretty sure that was a joke. Or another color of the rainbow I suppose. He/she was smokin’ a fatty boom batty, that’s all I remember.

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I am far more of the belief this person is actually against the community and is deliberately stirring up all this angst to turn those otherwise indifferent to be actually against the community.

I know far more people who are, in general, REALLY tired of all the LGBT stuff everywhere you turn and look as well as the demands and expectations you prove you are actively supporting them by mouth and by deed…just freaking exist and accept that not everyone is obligated to champion your cause 24/7…they got their own lives and own problems.

Also the worst way to gain allies and support is to bully them into it.


Dear OP,

I’m a trans man. I don’t need special customizations.

Total RP3 gives me the ability to specify pronouns. Nothing more is necessary.

Please stop making threads like this and drumming up hate for people like me. I just want to be left alone.



I think I screwed up. I have no relation to the posters I liked, and I didn’t pay close enough attention to the actual context of the posts to make sure they were the positive vibes I wanted to give back by giving them a sudden rush and making them go “oh cool my post got like 20 likes”

I know this sounds like backpedaling, and in a way it is, but I’m not entirely the greatest at social making people happy type so I just kinda fly under the radar and try to give some random person a rush by making them maybe smile for a second when they see their post with an outpouring of support. I try to pick positive posts, happy posts, posts that might have been hidden for whatever reason but don’t always examine the content and context in enough detail.

Sometimes I go for trans posts, or LGBT posts because I feel those groups and the people part of those groups can use a little extra rush of a smile and happiness from time to time. But this thread, I don’t think was the positive beacon the OP was letting on, and I didn’t examine it close enough to realize they may have simply been trolling and I just added to that accidentally and it was my error for not being more careful with where I place likes.

Normally it’s pretty harmless, and if I do it on like the arena forums or something it goes even more unnoticed cause the forums just move on, same with the General forums, once even like bombed a blue post and of course no one noticed, but I hope who got the likes got a small smile.

So I’m sorry for promoting something in a way that on second glance seems more problematic than I first realized, but I promise it was never done with any kind of malicious attitude in mind, and they didn’t like their own posts. I’m just some random forum dweller nerd with my own problems and my own ways of coping that up until now seemed relatively harmless and glossed over by most of the forum community.

It doesn’t help that I panic if people start talking about it and try to cover it with more post likes on random others before just going quiet. But no, the OPs had nothing to do with their own posts, and while I thought they were genuine at first in their message I think I may have been wrong and like bombed something more inherently hateful than positive.

Even if the post contents has a positive slant to it, the means of why it was posted, is hurtful to the groups being talked about because their posts don’t seem to be in the best faith. And that was my bad for not studying it enough. I didn’t even open the post to read it at first I just saw a flagged post and thought eh, let’s give them something to smile at, “hey I got 20 likes” or whatever.

You can see the OPs and my liked characters do not have similar pets or achieves etc, they are innocent in the like bombing, it’s just a random thing or tick I have that since it isn’t a report, or anything like that I figured was just a harmless thing that can be ignored, and maybe gives someone a quick smile.

Anyway, I’m sorry.

I know likes don’t mean anything in the long run, but look at it this way, and the way I think of it:

If I post or comment on imgur, or twitter, and my post gets one like, or one upvote. I get a tiny rush like “hey someone liked what I put out there” and get a small smile on my face for a moment. Cause I feel in my head, that my comment gave them a small smile, or a chuckle, enough to make them hit that button.

Same here, same principle as twitch bombing, you give someone a brief smile, that could just help them if they are having a bad day, nothing more was intended.

According to Google, there was 7.674 billion of us in 2019.
How many are trans?

I just want to calculate the percent…

This is the lowest of hanging fruit. The fruit is literally falling onto the ground. There’s no refuting this as trans character customization actually exists in game in various forms.

I look beautiful the way I am, thank you.


Estimations are .6% or roughly a bit over 1 in 200.

1,969,200 in the US.
46,044,000 worldwide.

They take down the what was silliest reason you got ban from fourm asap but leave this trolling thread up…go figure


Right? I thought fantasy was to be what you wanted, not what you are (lookin at all the human characters too, lol).

Obvious flamebait thread.

Op should be on vacation.


But it has to go through the monkey paw first .

Players: we want valor vendor

Blizz : here you go for m keys only

Players: we want high elves for alliance

Blizz: here you go and yours are special because they are purple .

Thank you for sharing, but what is the source of the worldwide numbers?

But… Blizzard does allow this. Pick the appearance/gender you wish your character to be represented as at character creation. If you want further customization, download an rp mod and write up a background about how you’re a ftm trans Nightelf post transmutation.


I took the number you gave and did basic math.

The US pop number was taken from google.

He’s so handsome :heart_eyes:

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Can you trolls at least be creative with these? Original? A little bit of troll effort?

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