<TraitorLegion> is recruiting for their raid team & more!

TraitorLegion is a progression guild currently pushing heroic content and recruiting for their raid team. What makes us different from most progression guilds though? We’re social , too. Casual friendly, we strive to be a place everyone can call home. If you don’t like to raid, we STILL want you. Come party with us and do some quests, run old raids, take part in guild events and mythic keys. TraitorLegion prides itself on its friendly atmosphere and welcoming viewpoint.

Raiders, we’re serious about raiding though. We’d like to progress as much as we can and if you are interested in raiding an officer will talk to you about how to go about applying for a raid slot.

While we are accepting applications for raid in general, we are heavily looking for the following: RANGED DPS, Druid or Shaman heals.

Our Raid Nights are Wednesday and Thursday 7 to 10 CST/Server time , forming fifteen minutes prior to raid starting.

Guild Events will be listed on our Calender. Any spontaneous events will be posted in guild chat and in discord. We want you to hang with us, we will make sure you always have access to knowing what’s going on!

At the end of the day, one of the things that TraitorLegion prides itself the most on is its old school “ guild is family ” feeling. Whatever you enjoy in game, if you’re looking for a home, look no further!

We are ALLIANCE on the SARGERAS server.

Feel free to whisper Zandolfe (GM), Qoma (Raid Leader) or Almariya (Community Lead) for more information. If they are not on, feel free to look up other officers and message them. We’re all friendly and will help out as best we can.

Hope to see you soon!