Traditional Flying Coming to the Dragon Isles in Guardians of the Dream

Every time I see a quest that requires dragonriding I get concerned. DF is supposed to be the default experience for new players, and if dragonriding is required, that’s a problem for those that cannot physically handle dragonriding. I’d like to see all requirements go away.

I was doing the ZC storylines for pathfinder and I ran across a quest that explicitly required using dragonriding to go through some hoops. I had to go through 12 of them - that should never be required for unlocking traditional flight. It is an accessibility problem for some players.


Pathfinder is there to boost time played metrics by manipulating people who prefer BC flight


Thank you!!! <3

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You mean the map drew itself? No, the map is big because that made it necessary to use dragonriding to traverse the long distances. And as far as “lots of stuff in them”, there’s very little of interest to curious players there, unless you’re counting more quests.

Translation: you can get carried.

Those flight points weren’t there at the start of the expansion, and they were only added much later. So who’s being deceptive here? I was using the past tense, and you are claiming there were always flight paths, which is not true.


I’d prefer to get dragon riding in old world actually.

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Silly isn’t it…down right duh I feel…

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I just think it is a bunch of BS that dynamic flight is allowed day one of the new expansion, and regular flight is gated behind doing the story quests, and reaching level cap? I mean WTF???

Seriously, this make zero sense no matter the argument!


What I have said …they gave out Dragon riding day 1 with no rep…no exploring…just 2 or 3 little quests to explain how to dragon fly but that’s it…but restricted Normal flying to over a year in this expansion …then wanted us to Rep grind it too but that part got removed …still have to have most of the campaign done…have to be max level for normal flying but lower level you can dragon fly…


Dracthyr no. Not yet anyway, though it would not surprise me if they got a static toggle somewhere down the line. Soar will be made to act more like proper dragonriding though, with some differences still.

As for the rest of the mounts, I think the dragonriding mounts and the old flying mounts will remain separate for now, though they plan to add a toggle eventually (I think when the expansion launches) that will let a lot of mounts switch between static and dynamic flight.

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It really makes zero sense! I mean, to get faster flying, there should be some sort of pathfinder for that.

Logic has left the room at Blizz, and i am afraid they will never recover.

Its the most idiotic lack of logic i have EVER seen in a game!!


I think, due to my interest in several of the zones shown at Blizzcon, I am going to do something unprecedented.

I think I will pledge to not “Dynamic Fly” in the The War Within. I will endeavor to use ground mounts until I can obtain proper classic flight. I am VERY Dragonriding fatigued. I’m so sick of the wind visuals, the speed, and the inability to explore at the pace I desire. I wonder if I can stick with it? Perhaps timed events will zap my monkey brain into whipping out a flying mount despite my pledge.


Funny, I don’t remember having to do any of this before getting dragonriding…


I will say this though. I grudgingly bought the heroic pre-order, and i AM SO GLAD I DID! The new mount was worth every penny! No looking at a freaking dragon butt, and it is Sooooooo refreshing! It is the ONLY reason i pre-ordered and i am soooooo glad i did! It is so refreshing, it is insane!

I did not know it would be so profound, but it truly is, and i am so thankful i did it, even though my card payments will go up slightly, it was WELL worth it to get rid of the dragons!!!


Good for you. I hope your purchase high lasts a good while.


So what about Traditional flying moving forward in the Worldsoul saga?


Ooh that actually sounds like a nice challenge. Maybe I will join you in that. Y’know, once the game releases for me 3 days after launch.

EDIT: I like the idea of standing in solidarity with those who have difficulties w/ dragon riding.


Until they get enough pushback it will likely stay as Ion said. A little after max level, basically if you do the campaign. Which, just like this situation, makes no sense to us. As “Dynamic Flight” will be there on day 1. “Want classic flying? Jump through these hoops and wait for timegating!”



We’re going to disagree on that, the maps are large and have a lot in them to find and explore. They weren’t made maliciously.

…? I don’t understand this response, there’s nothing horrible about having an accessibility option. You think DR is forced and horrible but you think the accessibility option to allow people to stay together is “being carried”???

They were, I went and checked just now and didn’t see any mention of them being added later, as far as I’m aware they’ve always been there, since even Beta.

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Nice been farming the sniffer guys rep made it to 12 was going to grind to 15 this helps alot.

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A change from dragons and the new vigor UI are welcome. Though the new ability did catch me offguard.