Traditional Flying Coming to the Dragon Isles in Guardians of the Dream


Very hyped for TBC flying coming back.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


no, bored and over it. we did it ten years ago. with all that ghastly treasure hunting…I think they got this one right. finish the main story lines and explore all the lands. you found the paths…

Can the Pathfinder be worked on by multiple alts?
I have several parts completed by my main and others completed by an alt while I was taking a break from my main.

It is reasonable to assume that difficulty in ground travel was intended to “push” players who were reluctant to use dragonriding, for whatever reason, to use it anyway. There’s a dungeon players who weren’t using dragonriding were unable to do. Again, this is intended to be an incentive to use dragonriding.

If you’ve played pretty much any point of this expansion cycle you’ll have all but 1 achievement on this list already, and pathfinder achievements have historically been account-wide, so you won’t have to do it on alts.

This only affects brand new players, who have regular dragon flying anyway, so what exactly is the problem?

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This wouldn’t surprise me. It’s a way of gathering data and getting feedback, both positive and negative, on their newest feature. The devs did get a lot of feedback, which does help them if they’re willing to listen to that feedback and adjust as needed.

I do wish they would drop the idea of forcing us to use dragonriding in dungeons/raids. Give me a chance to bypass it. I can understand experimenting with dragonriding during DF since it’s the main feature, but that needs to end as soon as DF ends.


To be fair they’ve been doing things like this since TBC. There were dungeons you had to fly in, or couldn’t get to without flight or friends with flight to summon you up there as far back as 2007.

It would be nice to have a gatekeeping sidestep but it’s just kind of an integral part of this game since release, in one form or another.

Wait, I know there were dungeons you had to fly to, but what TBC dungeons had flying in them? I honestly can’t recall any.

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I think that started with WotLK.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Well, WotLK had Oculus, but that was a “provided” mount (I honestly don’t know if you needed flight skill to use it, but I don’t think you did). I’m trying to think of any other dungeon besides The Nokhud Offensive where you had to – or even could – fly with normal open world type flying.


The others above there are right, it was Oculus in wrath, my bad.


This map is big so flying is beneficial does not equal “we’re intentionally trying to punish people by giving them these large gorgeous maps with lots of stuff in them.”

You can use ride along and FPs in that dungeon. “Not able to do” is just a lie.

Amen to that. Dragongliding is a cancer unleashed upon wow. Most systems under ions watch released upon this game have been disastrous.


I’m glad they finally got the hint.

Still, I don’t understand why it takes so much pleading for something that is obvious to everyone but them. This is common pattern with them and that’s my concern.

I am not a game designer and even I could look at it and say “this doesn’t make any sense - if I can DR with a 20 minute questline, why bother with pathfinder”.

Even if you prefer old flying, the incentive is not there - “I could grind out this rep every day for the next 3 weeks, or I can just put up with DR since I already have been for the last year”.

If they want to have an xpac wide meta achievement like Pathfinder - why not add a cool looking/xpac-themed mount to it at the end. Folks go back and do old achievements/content for mogs all the time. This way there is also no pressure/rush to get it done either.


If this question has been answered I must have missed it. Will regular flying also apply to our dragonriding mounts and dracthyr? Thanks for any help!


Doesn’t mean it’s not bruffalon-flop that you can’t fly on Argus or in Korthia. (The actual Maw, however, is literally hell; so not being able to fly there at least somewhat makes sense. But I digress.) Too many opportunities to plummet into bottomless abysses.

Awesome, Dynamic flying initially, and TBC flying after a good portion of the content is imo the absolute perfect way to go. Love it

I highly prefer the Dynamic flying initially, followed by TBC flying initially. The world feels much more alive when people are spending more time on the ground, rather than simply afk hovering. I think this is the perfect compromise for those like yourself, who wishes you could TBC fly immediately.

One type of flying the player is on the ground more often interacting with other players, the other is people are afk hovering. Makes perfect sense, and is the perfect compromise.

It seems hilariously pointless to have a pathfinder requirement for regular flying in an area we’ve been flying in since day 1 at over twice the speed of regular flying.