Traditional Flying Coming to the Dragon Isles in Guardians of the Dream

Do you need to have each achieve on one single char?

Can we have those achievements (individual ones) account-wide just like AOTC?

The complete all quests in a zone achieve is a PITA you only do with one char, frankly. Shame I need to go back to my druid to have the x.1 and x.2 achieves to unlock PF.

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That is my question as well.

First time I hit that in a race… cue drifting WAAAAAY around the next corner. I started laughing so hard my husband was like, “What? What happened?”
Me, “I hit the new ability.”
Him, “And?”
Me, “I went Plaid!”

Couldn’t even tell you the name of that ability. We just call it Plaid now.


How do you use the new ability?

Be on the electric-gryffon mount. It will replace the Whirling Surge. You have to build up 10 stacks of static electricity by flying close to stuff (buildings, mountains, etc…) once you have 10 stacks, hit the button and hold on to your pants!

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Agreement. At this point, Pathfinder is simply punishment for the player who would rather use regular flying instead of dynamic, OR use them both. Dragonriding is great for covering long distance, while old school flying is great for short precision flights, hovering and precision landing. I am extremely displeased with requiring any level/quest requirement for old flying in the next expansions. There is ZERO logic to this. If we can use dynamic flight, we should be able to opt for old school flying.


I think I’d prefer wirling surge hmmm.

It doesn’t use Vigor like Surge, so it has that going for it.


So this point in your comment stuck out to me in particular.  The faster a player is allowed to travel, the larger the area must be made to compensate.  If it took you, let’s say, thirty seconds to go from Point A to Point B with traditional flying in pre-Dragonflight content, it ideally would still take you the same amount of time to dragonride in Dragonflight content.

This is basic video game design.

So while of course traditional flying is slower in dragonriding areas because it was never designed for that, relatively speaking you’re not really going all that faster with dragonriding in Dragonflight zones.



It takes me forever getting around old zones, going for Legion dailies for achievements it takes me 5 minutes to get from one side/Dalaran to the other.

Dragon Isles with Dragonriding you can go from one end to the other in about a minute.

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just finished it with my (new) main, that hasnt got the quests achieve, so its individual and account wide!!!

just do the questing and you’ll get PF!


Can verify; in the achievement description it reads “progress on any of your characters counts”.


dont you mean wod?

Because we LOVED to be forced your gimmick this got me to regret buying Dragonflight at 50% off! Why must we work for a normal feature in every single expansion?!


Good news! Dynamic Riding is the new normal :3

This is what people tend to forget.


Ptch control stamina these are the thing that is NOT in classic flying Point A to Point B! NO FLASH FLAIR!

No! We need Cata model with current integration, it should auto happen at certain levels you should be able to fly as early and easily as possible. Being “grounded” is not fun, being able to fly freely IS fun. That’s all there is to it.

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