Traditional Flying Coming to the Dragon Isles in Guardians of the Dream

you just can’t read.

I did, that’s the thing, you said that then wasted a lot of wordcount complaining that they removed Renown instead of the Story and how much you don’t like it.

oh my apologies I didn’t write my post the way you think I should :woman_facepalming:

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You complain about a bunch of different things don’t act surprised when people don’t just respond to one exclusive part of what you said.

Now we’ll just have to wait for the next hot topic. “Why is my traditional mount so slow, that’s not fair!?”.

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Yes!!!woohoo, that means most of us are ready to fly free!!

Ok, so you say dragon riding is the superior form of flight? Ok now dragon riding can be timegated through pathfinder for 12 months.

Then we can get traditional flying on day one since it’s the inferior form of flight according to you.


Not only did they listen to you but I think they also put your character in the screenshot for the WoW Companion app on the app store!

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Why would I want either of those scenarios?

Do you have any purpose other than throwing a tantrum?


Dragon riding requires timegated locks because people don’t experience the first twelve months of an expansion properly when they can fly that fast

This is one of those “you think you do but you don’t” scenarios.

You think you want dragonriding on day one of the expansion but you really don’t and the developers are right.


Wow! That’s totally me. :smiley:

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This is complete gibberish

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Cool, trash flight available with stupid effort to unlock it.


Have you walked in the DI without using DR?

I have and it is the worst experience I have ever had in WoW. When you deliberately design maps to frustrate the ability to navigate on foot, you can’t realistically claim that flight doesn’t have an accessibility component. I have never been to this expansion’s capital city - tried for days and could not find a way up.


“We made the maps large to be majestic and offer much to explore and play around with Dragonriding” =/= “we made the maps to intentionally annoy people who don’t use Dragonriding”.

If it’s your first time in the Isles you don’t go straight to the Capital anyway, you go through storylines which take you through the zones, Waking Shores to Ohnaran Plains to Azure Plain to Thaldraszus where Valdrakken is.

You could also get a Lock to summon you or Mage to port you.


Yeah the maps are not conducive to walking or using ground mounts.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Exactly this. I used to forget I even had a mount, because I was just engaged. Yeah, it went slower, but on your first playthrough of the content, I didn’t care at all. It’s only on alts, or gathering at max level that I’d like to speed it up.
In my opinion, it’s bad design if any kind of mount is REQUIRED to play the basic leveling content of a game.
I absolutely run around on foot in single player games all the time, most recent being Zelda.

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If you don’t want to give us normal flight, then just give us the darn whistle instead of making us jump through hoops! I am clumsy so find it hard to do hoop jumping sometimes.


Excellent, finally the classic flying style fans will stop complaining. Personally, I am hooked on dragon riding. I am looking forward to being able to dragon ride in the rest of the world.


Excited! Thank you for the changes and bringing regular flying to the Dragon Isles.