Traditional Flying Coming to the Dragon Isles in Guardians of the Dream

Thank you so much.


Boo f#^$ing hoo, take the win and hush up

you will never be satisfied even if Blizzard gives you what you want and I find that is sad and pathetic.

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Big shout out too all the player base that may have helped to get Blizzard to change their minds on requiring that crappy Renowned for normal flying by posting their outlook and feelings on the whole issue …Thanks Guys and Gals…


GREAT CHANGE - thank you Blizzard for considering and changing on this issue!


I try not to think too much about SL, but it was a little more involved than that:

Details matter. Try not mocking people who are more intelligent than you. You’ll look less arrogant.

So for returning players, or new players they should … what?
… Not play the game? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

From a business perspective of an MMORPG you want something that’s achievable, fun and timely yet not tedious & feeling like a chore than a game. :person_shrugging:

THIS argument is so damn old after so many years. As Simplyred said – Games are meant to be fun.

The update to Pathfinder is a good one.

Still requires players to experience & play the campaign & storyline — Thus experiencing the ultimate theme, story and content linked with one another that’s been told throughout the expansion; yet not be enslaved to daily repetitive chores to grind up reputations.

Having players require to still do the story content on at least 1 character also helps remove the silly statement of players saying “There’s literally no progressive story content” – when they have yet to do lots available themself.

Heck, I know I still got quite a bit of catching up to do, I’ve had medical emergencies a lot this year so haven’t been able to play like I want; so this change is a welcome one.

The reputations & renown are their own rewards – You get rewards from the quartermaster, and drake appearances for your dragonriding along with other stuff.

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Thanks! if i see any around here, I’ll make sure to keep that in mind :slight_smile:

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Yeah that’s what I mean, those 10.0 campaigns that required rep for.

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I have so many achievements?!
i literally just do achievements that give me something usefull like a mount or something, any other thing it’s just a waste of time, lmao

What I wanted is to never be forced to engage with dragon riding.

Blizzard forced me to engage with dragon riding for the past 11 months by:

  1. Designing dragon isles in a way that requires flight (very large and spread out).
  2. Putting mandatory dragon riding into a mythic plus dungeon - Nokhud Offensive.

Now blizzard is doing the same thing.

  1. Dragon riding boss fight in new raid.
  2. Only dragon riding allowed in new zone.

If I want to enjoy the new content in the new zone, I have to dragon ride.

If I want to participate in my guild’s raids, then I have to dragon ride.

I will be satisfied when blizzard stops forcing me to dragon ride.


Yeah, I’m not a fan of the dragonriding boss. Does anyone know if you can use ride along on it? I only raid casually now, but I will eventually do the raid and I don’t want to throw up.


They’ve said that you’ll be able to, yeah.


I think it was more for world pvp players who pop up every expansion and moan loudly then don’t play the game, even though it throws world pvp content at them by the dozens.

Flying disables world pvp

Its expansion feature, quit being such a overgrown baby.

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Logical why?

Since we can already dragon ride in those zones, why is excluding them from traditional flying logical at all?

I’m glad they take all players in consideration. Not only hard core player base

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Ok that clip gives me some hope that just maybe dracthyr will get normal flying! It also makes me [sad/mad] meaning “sad” to see it and not be able to do it. And “mad” because bliz most likely won’t give dracthyr normal flying as they haven’t mentioned it anywhere, to put ease to those who want this, and for all those who enjoy playing with the dracthyr and wish it was already in the game. Now I have read an old article where they said they had originally planned for dracthyr to have normal flying but opted out for “soar” aka “falling with style” due to an unfair advantage to other players. Now with pathfinder and everything coming to an end I wouldn’t see how dracthyr having normal flying would still be unfair anymore, it would be unfair to the dracthyr players to not have it as we continuously see our npc better halves do it all the time. And with path finder now druids will be able to use their bird form, so to not allow dracthyr to normal fly as was the original plan makes an unfair game play experience to all dracthyr players. So here is to hoping they free our wings with the completion of pathfinder, if not I might skip the renewal of my sub and find a better alt for my mmo experience, I fell in love playing with the dracthyr and it was one of my reason on coming back to wow as I had thought it would be something new and exciting and planned on making it my new main I haven’t even touched my other alt characters this whole expansion as I loved playing with the dracthyr and since day one I wanted to see the dracthyr have normal flight to not have it breaks the emersion level I have playing the game especially with watching the npc versions take off effortlessly. With seeing that dev have normal looking flight gives hope but it just might be false hope, but :crossed_fingers:


And you don’t see the irony in telling people to play the game when you barely have because you only do things you want to do.


Dragon riding isn’t an expansion feature, it’s a gimmick at best. And a boring gimmick at that.

Here are expansion features that actually influence gameplay:

1 artifact weapons in legion
2 heart of Azeroth in BFA
3 covenants in shadowland

Dragon riding doesn’t influence our gameplay or player power and progression - it is just a small gimmick that the devs added because they wanted to be stubborn about giving us traditional flying.

Dragon riding is not central to the expansion in anyway - which is why the devs have gone out of their way to force us to use it.

  1. No flying on launch but still designed the zones to be very spread out, requiring flight.
  2. Putting dragon riding into one of the season one mythic plus dungeons
  3. Refusing to allow us to use traditional flying in 10.2 new zone.
  4. Putting dragon riding into a raid encounter in the new raid.

Why do you think blizzard went out of their way to force dragon riding on us? Well blizzard devs spent a lot of time and money on developing dragon riding and if they didn’t artificially force us to use dragon riding, very few people would have ever used it.

If dragon riding was genuinely so great, you wouldn’t have blizzard forcing us to use dragon riding like this.

Blizzard knows we don’t like dragon riding but they can’t admit they made a mistake because if they let us fully ignore dragon riding, no one would use it and they know that.

All I ask is for blizzard to let me choose whether or not I want to use dragon riding but blizzard has adamantly refused to let me make my choice as to how I want to play the game.

Yeah, what a mistake I made by wanting to be able to play this game in a way that I find fun and entertaining.

So I’m forced to play a boring and obnoxious mini game every time I want to go from point A to point B. This is why I am not going to renew my sub, dragon riding is an annoyance and I don’t like it, so I’m not going to pay blizzard and reward them for taking a fun game and finding every way possible to make it un-fun.

Wow used to be successful because they designed the game in a way that people enjoyed. But once activision took over in cata, that all changed. Blizzard no longer strives to design a game that is fun to play, blizzards main goal is to make a game that wastes as much of the players time as possible so that blizzard devs can say “hey look at how many monthly average users we have and look at how many hours they spend on the game! We are successful, please don’t fire us!”

Imagine how many hours people would spend on WoW if blizzard devs actually just looked at player feedback and designed the game to be fun again. There is a reason that WoW has never come close to the amount of subs in Wotlk and there is a reason that WoW is not capable of ever reaching that sub count ever again - because the devs refuse to design a game that is fun to play.

Players: we don’t like dragon riding, we don’t want to engage with it.
Blizzard: ok well you have to use dragon riding if you want to play the new zone and you have to use dragon riding if you want to do the new raid.

Players: we don’t like covenants being so closely tied to player power.
Blizzard: covenants are the singular most important aspect of player power and you can only change them once every two weeks (even if we choose to re-tune the covenants and change which one is your BiS covenant).