Traditional Flying Coming to the Dragon Isles in Guardians of the Dream

That may demand we have to use Dragon flying too…seeing its main focus is Dragons…we shall see…

The devs haven’t officially stated which zones won’t be included in the pathfinder achievement. They will need to provide specifics. We can make guessed but don’t know for sure.

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The level 1 poster thing is news to me (it would be hilarious if Blizzard did that), but I can vouch for the rest of it.

The original argument was that there was value to being grounded earlier on so they would restrict flying at first and then enable it later. In fact they originally pledged to have it unlocked via an “epic quest chain” in 6.1. Funnily enough a lot of people were on board with that; I like flying but I also agree there’s some value to being grounded early on and I’m fine with pathfinding (although it should come sooner than it does in each expansion).

However I didn’t trust them. After this they put out many posts about how being grounded is great and how flying is bad for the world, questing, etc. It was especially a bad sign when 6.1 came around and Hazzikostas said that no flying had been working out “so well” that they would delay it a bit further. In my view it was clear conditioning for not adding flight in at all.

Nevertheless, most people still held out for flying to be re-introduced. The thing is, those people didn’t post on forums because they were mostly fine with the status-quo. They were getting flying eventually so it didn’t matter. That meant that proportionally the forums were much more populated with people who wanted them to remove flying entirely. Around that time MMO champion did a poll that overwhelmingly favoured no flying. However a) at forum was largely populated by ex WoW players who idolised classic and everything about it, and b) the post with the poll had a really dishonest set up which I think led many people to vote for no flying. It was something like this:

Title: Flying in Draenor

Poll modal: Do you think there should be no flying in Draenor?

  • Yes
  • No

So it was really easy to just read the title and immediately click “Yes”, not realising the poll text was the opposite to the title.

Then at around late May of 2015 they “announced” in a Polygon interview that no flying was such a success that they wouldn’t have flying in Draenor or any future continent. Despite all the stringing along, the conditioning, the muted “reveal”, etc. all those players who were patiently waiting for flying turned up to the forums in force. I don’t think there was ever a greater forum controversy. It was just about every single active thread on General Discussion. After overwhelming backlash they agreed to implement pathfinder.

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Not shadowlands. They gave it to you for unlocking Korthia.

Thank you so much.

Now I don’t mind having both, dragonriding and regular flying but sometime one of these days, my hand would cramp up when doing dragonriding. It’s why I like the idea of having both versions of flying. Plus, like other said, some people have disabilities that prevents them from using dragonriding and opt for flight master. And I know some people doesn’t grind for Loamm reown since it’s too grindy–I’ve been there before, never made it to 10 until recently somehow. Removing requirement to get to 15 for all of them is a good move and I can agree it will be best for others.


It’s a big step in the right direction, removing the Renown as a requirement for Dragonflight Pathfinder.  BUT IT SHOULD NOT STOP THERE.


just remove pathfinder altogether and just put in flight… and stop taking it out.


All I know is all this mess about flying and having to use pathfinder and whatever they come up with in the future all lands right on Ion’s desk…he is main cause of all this mess…he doesn’t want us to be able to fly simple as that…well Ion its a bit too late to put that Genie back in the bottle now…


Going forward if pathfinder is in the next expansion it should require ONLY these two requirements

  1. zone exploration


  1. story campaign

That is all.


I couldnt be happier with this change :partying_face:


They can add the renown requirement to the Veilstrider meta-achievement equivalent of DF; honestly Pathfinder is a bit pointless especially as the DF Pathfinder doesn’t give a mount.

Could you remove waddle animations from Raptoras, Phoenixes and Ohunas for hunters and make them fly like they should please it really destroys the hunter fantasy and looks silly.

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I disagree. Pro-flight threads greatly outnumbered the anti-flight trolling threads. But through creative moderation the pro-flight threads would promptly be removed, while the anti-flight threads were never moderated, regardless of how insulting they were - and many were very insulting.

I think they were expecting that the playerbase would be, as you say, conditioned by the overwhelming number of anti-flight threads to believe that flight was bad for their souls.

Or maybe, just maybe, it was all a setup to get people to accept a “compromise” that kept them grounded for a year in every future expansion.


Actually its tied to how they structure open world rewards. Blizzard owns a piece of that too.

Many instance spam on the level to have the baseline to hit level cap play better.

Now if dungeon blues were in the open world, some would be there more.

that’s been a wow trend since forever. see the story. now suffer segregation off ilevel on the level cap! Instanced leveling at least sets them up stronger for the level cap gear up.

I like wrath’s story as an example. Love most of it even. I still instance level alts. why? on level cap I see raiderio’s older sibling…gearscore.

Dungeon blue or banked honor for now furious minimal pvp gearing on the 80 ding to have smoother start to level cap gear up.

Same in retail when there more. Retail alts I tried to hit level cap with at least its 15K capped. something new and shiny and level cap appropriate seconds after the ding was bought.

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They could change things that would turn open world quest leveling back to being the more desired path of leveling if they would just do it.

Excellent that they removed the renown 15 with everyone, including the new faction. It’s acceptable now.


That’s a stretch. It’s better for sure. I’ll probably get it just to push it aside and move on, but I’m still concerned that it might not be viable depending how much dragon riding is needed to explore the emerald dream zone for those that find dragon riding physically problematic.


Unnerf the monkey paw nerf to the dreamsurge rep buff. Yes obviously restrict it to not work on dream wardens but why hobble already dead content?

And yes I already have max reps in DF, and I got the 110 rep achievement day 1.

Probably because you can buy the Rep Tokens with Dragon Isle Resources.

its not acceptable, we still cant fly in the new zone… so we’re still forced to use dragon riding even though we dont want to