Traditional Flying Coming to the Dragon Isles in Guardians of the Dream

yeah i agree. they shouldnt have added flying at all. this wouldn’t be an issue if flying wasn’t added but blizz in true fashion had to make a controversy by adding flight in this patch.

Comfy riding chads :sunglasses: live to win another day, awesome

why would they not add traditional flying when we have dragon riding… i genuinely don’t see how they could possibly justify that other than “we spent so much time and resources on dragon riding that we have to force people to use it so that we don’t get fired”

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Well, thanks!

As I have said here, applies here too, because this move does not fix anything.

Dear Devs, you don’t have to give away anything or create extra hurdles to make things more “appealing”, you just need to make the gameplay more fun and practical.

Dragonriding (Dynamic Flight?) and/or Old/Static Flight should be in the same tier, Dynamic should be the highest level of the already existing Flight System. At least it should have felt like that.

That’s why the normal flight should have existed from Dragonflight launch, Druids and Dracthyr etc. should already be able to normally “static fly” with the old speeds and mechanics.

Dragonriding should have been preferred because it would feel superior to all that. And for it, it should have applied not just to few mounts but all mounts AND forms, from the start. And wit Old World integration too.

Now, we see Old World “Races”, it shows it can happen, but for some reason we don’t know, it’s not enabled.

We can see the Dragonriding Mounts use old mount skeletons and looks with minor changes. Yes, they are customizable, but you could have seperated that as “Customizable Mount”, as a Mount, not with the necessity of being forced to use just 4-5 mounts in the whole new region. And we saw you could do that with Grotto Nether Drake AND Gladiator Mounts. You can do it guys, we know. Why are you not giving that to us? With all mounts, everywhere?

Also, we can see Dracthyr, the signature race of the expansion CAN normally fly, here:

Some will say “It’s a GM thing, Dev thing boo!” but my friends, it shows it CAN be done, it works, this is how a Dracthyr should be able to normally fly and hover, from the start of the expansion. All Dracthyr NPCs normally fly away even in introduction quests, why not give this to us too? Really why?

I just can’t get it. The systems are there, everything is working but they are holding it back, even at last second they create extra hurdles and then remove it like it’s a good thing.

No my friends, the problem is right there, we should have moved past beyond that Pathfinder nonsense with the introduction of Dragonflight, this was it and that was the promise. Why move back? Why not make everything as it should be and make Dragonriding the better alternative so we can all use it as it should be? Why waste the whole potential of signature features of the whole expansion for more than a year?

I just can’t get it… There is no logic behind this. I really want to, but I can’t.


What’s funny is you’re crying at me for using the forums intended purpose, while you troll on them.

Blizzard gave a bunch of reasons on why Pathfinding achievs were in the game to unlock flying. Coincidentally NONE of it was required to unlock dragonriding. That is them going back on their word and showing their true colors.


pathfinder achievement required again, haven’t you people over there realized pathfinder is nothing but a chore for the players and we don’t want it. We dont want what you think is fun either, Todd Howard is better at fun then you have been for over a decade, blizzard is nothing more then a pathetic shell of what it use to be


because pathfinder was never a thing until MoP, it’s real BS to lock a core mechanic behind a useless grind that made things less fun


You mean the stated point. The reason players got Pathfinder expansion after expansion was because mandatory ground travel extended playtime.

You mean wod. The first iteration of Pathfinder happened after Blizzard revealed in an interview on a magazine website that they had been lying to players all along about deciding whether to bring back flight on a Friday before a holiday weekend. People who had been hanging on just waiting for flight quit in large numbers. Within 2 weeks there were posts by level 1 trolls describing most of the details of what would be pathfinder and asking players, “how would that be?”


there were quests to do - it was a short training montage. Evokers had to do it twice.

Path Finder didn’t come to the game till WoD…not MoP…in MoP once you max your level for the expansion you went and brought your flight with gold…


Thank you so very very very much!



We need a return back to this og model :100: If it wasn’t broke, it didn’t need to be “fixed” in the first place

Simply playing thru the expansion zones once on the way to max level is more than sufficient to “earn” the ability to fly, for a small gold fee as has always been the case up until WoD

I feel playing thru a new expansion’s zones once on-foot/grounded is sufficient to satisfy the “we want you to experience all the artwork and environments we spent so much time crafting” that the devs seem to have a big hangup with

You dinged max level? You can fly (for a small gold fee paid to the trainer) - it was simple. We need to go back to that


eh, one expansion off, it’s been awhile

The new model in leveling is riding is automatic at 10, faster riding at 20, flying at 30, and faster flight at 40. All free.

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The requirements have gone from so easy its basically free, to just being free.
Personally i dont care either way about if renown is required or not.

But i would still like to hear more about what zones are excluded from regular flying, and why on earth any of them are once pathfinder is unlocked.


All I freaking care about is to be able to fly my pretty pretty Love Rocket :rocket: finally…and fly in Druids form when I go herbing with my druids…


But only in some dragonflight zones. Not all.
For reasons.

What zones you won’t be able to fly?

I have a feeling its going to be the Zaralek Caravans and Forbidden Reach…that is just a guess now…but it would seem logical for those two.

I just pray we can use normal flying in the emerald dream.
I want to use my cloud gosh darnit :frowning: