Traditional Flying Coming to the Dragon Isles in Guardians of the Dream

It was a play on you being pedantic about DF flying day 1 and saying that herbs and ore mining are literally the most inefficient

I’ll abandon this trainwreck now lol

sad to see you go?

ngl i dont know why people are so salty about pathfinder. seriously if you dont like the reqs just dont do it.

because they dont wanna be forced to dragon ride anymore lol.


We’re not.

We’re going to do the new ones. Or, I should say pruned ones.


i mean whatever. i just dont get why people always get so uppity about having to like, do a thing they’re already doing to unlock an upgrade in a game.

honestly, everyone in this thread is saying how fast and amazing dragon riding is, traditional flying should have been given to us on day one and time-gated the amazingly fast and super awesome dragon riding behind an 11 month achieve.


There’s nothing “uppity” about pointing out when Blizzard does something stupid.

The entire point of Pathfinder was to make us see the xpac from the ground for a year. We’ve been flying the entire time. We’ve explored all the zones getting glyphs for our mount.

Can you honestly give me a good reason why there’s a laundry list of chores to do for slower flying?


I’m extremely fond of dragonriding and couldn’t agree with you more.

I think regular flying should’ve been enabled a few patches ago when it was clear that players with disabilities couldn’t utilize the feature.


cuz blizZard said so.

Hurray! Great news!

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This is an excellent step in the right direction. Seriously consider to just let flying be part of the game going forward without removing it, then making us jump through hoops later to get it back. This whole issue with Pathfinder is getting tiring. I imagine it can’t be that good inside of Blizz, either.



I said a good reason, not the technically correct reason.


technically correct is the best form of correct.

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No, it’s the most annoying form of correct.


Currently celebrating by munching on an opened/already-half-eaten bag of leftover Halloween candies (“variety” pack) from yesterday :drooling_face::ok_hand:… while also scrolling thru the WoW reddit on my phone (in the other hand) and :-1: downvoting :-1: every single “sour grapes” comment from Dragonriding fanboys that I see

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look you can’t make a futurama reference and then be mad about it.

I watch that show all the time but I didn’t purposely make that reference or catch that I did.

The only thing I can say here is good for you guys for sticking it to them. Most people here have been reasonable. Good job


Primary concern is blizzards hypocritical responses via pathfinding when dragonriding was instant no achiev req and now they need to make catchup speeds to dragonriding too because of how large they made the new zones.