Traditional Flying Coming to the Dragon Isles in Guardians of the Dream

do you even play the game though?

you said you require skill to properly mine and herb while dragon riding. but who honestly even mines and herbs?

its literally the most inefficient way to make gold in wow.

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but do you even play the game, though?

Do you even play the game though?

yes i play this game.

really? it doesnt seem like you do…

i know better ways to make gold than mining and herbing, thats for sure LOL

Ironically, if all world content actually gave renown, it wouldn’t have been as much of an issue in the first place.


You almost got me with your galaxy brain straw manning.

As one pedant to another, you know that this is not true.

you have fun herbing and mining, maybe one day you’ll make enough gold to cover your repair costs.

i know this is true… herbs and ore sells for borderline nothing.

Honestly I have my doubts whether I’ll buy another expansion if they keep this transportation model going forward. I already know dragonriding doesn’t work for me, and ground mounts just feel terrible in zones designed for flying. I put a lot of work into my account so it would be hard to give up, but I don’t want to struggle like this for a year again.


Oh my lord go from fighting about renown to how to make gold in the game the most efficient way.

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Or my account is bugged due to server transfer and it caused my classic era character to post instead of my main. I also lost my linked post counts too (which is tragic because it had thousands) you also didn’t read rest of post if you thought I was saying “it’s ok as is”. I still suggested further tweaks with the harsh rep requirements/catch up involved, and fortunately blizzard heard that feedback loud and clear and completely removed the rep requirements thanks to many who pointed out that was the primary issue for returning players.


If you have lots of alts, Naxx > herbing/mining.

I’m rich from it.


the primary issue is that traditional flying wasnt put in the game on day one…

the continuing issue is that the new raid requires dragon riding and the new zone doesn’t allow traditional flying.


I have 40 max level alts, and am sitting on so many millions of gold, I will never run out. lol

That is even with me paying every Dec for random guild members new xpacs for the ones that don’t have it or at times peoples WoW time as gifts.

I agreed with that too. To summarize my earlier post. It doesn’t make sense to disable regular flying where there is dragon flying, except MAYBE in pvp areas you disable the ability to hover over them since dragon riding can’t do that.

I basically said two statements.

  • The achievement wouldn’t be bad, if rep wasn’t such a hard catchup and if caverns stuff was removed for accessibility reasons.
  • But also that it doesn’t make sense to still be a thing in first place, post dragon riding.

People immediately got out pitch forks cause they didn’t read entire context cause that’s what people do. It also didn’t help that at time i posted, my account was messed up and my main couldn’t post cause of server transfer (and same issue wiped my post history). They actually JUST fixed my main last night, but my post history still hosed. Made me look like a troll. :\

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There are quite a few more inefficient means of making gold:

soloing current raids
dragon riding without a dragon
being an orc and running to give the people in stormwind big hugs

just to name a few

Instead of calling the achievement Pathfinder you should call it, Spiteful Devs. Seems more on the mark.


sure but the point is that there are NUMEROUS ways to make gold that are more efficient than herbing and mining.

but yeah, if ur argument is that herbing and mining is an efficient way to make gold because it is better than walking around the streets of stormwind begging for gold, then yeah herbing and mining isnt really that good, huh?