Traditional Flying Coming to the Dragon Isles in Guardians of the Dream

Don’t get too excited, we can’t use normal mounts in the new zone and we still have to use dragon riding mounts in the new raid.


You’re right, dragon riding mounts are so fast!

And it was a mistake to put more than one flight point in a zone, right? Players should have to walk until they are level 40. And mailboxes, what a mistake to put multiple mailboxes in every zone. What else, gramps?


I do think if Pathfinder going froward from 11.0 onwards is just a cool mount/title and we have flying from the start (both forms) it would be great.

But you gotta tell the devs good job when they do something good, even if it should be obvious.

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i have already decided to not engage with the new raid in any way because i refuse to do the dragon riding encounter.

if i am unable to use normal flying in the new zone on day one of the next patch, then i’m just gonna unsub.


This isn’t a pedantic take at all. I’m curious how your gameplay experience was so irrecoverably tarnished by not being able to hover in place. Surely there weren’t places everywhere that you could perch while waiting for something to spawn? Or was it that herb/mining took a modicum of skill to do efficiently?

why do people act like dragon riding is some elite skill that only true gamers can master? lol…

dragon riding is not hard, its just annoying. i dont want to play some obnoxious mini game every time i fly somewhere, i just want to fly there.


Amazing change, thanks for listening.


i dont want to play some obnoxious mini game every time i fly somewhere, i just want to fly there.

It’s what the taxis are for, friendo.

i mean, thats what traditional flying is for, friendo.

the fact that you even think that mining/herbing required any skill whatsoever due to dragon riding really makes me call into question your abilities to actually play the game at all lol.


You’ve spent 20 years collecting hundreds of mounts? Better play through our trash story if you ever want to use them again!

Thanks Blizz, you guys are the best.


Like someone else said, you’re the type that when they say they’re gonna unsub the vast majority who have interacted with you breathe a sigh of relief and think, “thank god.”

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but you’re the one who thinks herbing and mining requires skill because of dragon riding? is that correct?

do you even play this game or just buy a sub to post on the forums?


To do efficiently without running out of vigor? yeah it takes a very small amount of skill, like I said. Enough that you just can’t afk that’s it lol. Who hurt you?

no, it requires no skill… nothing about dragon riding requires any skill whatsoever.

You should have been aware of exactly what product you were buying before paying for it.

which is why i wont be renewing my sub nor will i be pre-purchasing the next expansion until they expressly state “traditional flying allowed on day one”

lol look at some of the trolls still trying to cling to their troll arguments.

Really love the guy acting like if people dont have to “work” for their old school flying, they may as well stop making the game as he flies around on his free faster flying from day 1.


Thank god.

well i hope the world content crowd that refuses to do world content is happy with the change to rep requirements.

Now they’ll be able to sky swim in content they adamantly refuse to do!

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