Traditional Flying Coming to the Dragon Isles in Guardians of the Dream

Awesome! \o/

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Yes, pathfinder is and always has been a joke.


No rep requirement? Thats some really good news.

I do like dynamic flight, but I am rather attached to a lot of regular mounts I have.

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Ok, BUT DR is allowed in every zone right? So why the double standard then?


blizzard likes to do things that we dont like? idk…

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Don’t care about boomer flying. Can we get the dragon riding ability for all old zones as well?. It’s super boring everytime I leave the dragon isles


Proving once again that even when you cave in to the cry-babies, it is never good enough and there will be continued crying and whining feedback.


Its never enough sadly

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Honestly I have the same sinking feeling, I hope I’m wrong, but I wouldn’t be the least bit shocked if they do add some weird out of left field BS requirement.

Rollo I don’t despise people who don’t like the same things as I do. I think people are fools to refuse to do things in a game then cry at the same time they have nothing to do in the game. Content is content, even if a person may not like it, it is still content, refusing to do it just because one may not like it or being stubborn, Well that is a person own issue, not the gaming companies fault.

Like I said, I don’t so much look down on any one on these forums. I may roll my eyes and think some of you need a good therapist at times. And when you all toss your insults I am actually laughing at them because I find them entertaining. Its one reason I actually come to the forums and read this stuff when I am not in game or waiting on something.


Yeah, because people want to keep playing a game that requires them to do stuff that isn’t fun, right? People aren’t just threatening, have you seen the #'s of WoW? Every expansion less and less people return.


Honestly, the population is pretty awesome considering it is a game with a monthly subscription AND almost 20 years old…

I don’t think it would take too many hands to count how many games can say that.

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we were able to fly day one this expac tho?

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Wow, you rock!

I don’t think they are going to drop a bomb on any of you that they are adding a different requirement. I think you’re all safe to say it is what it is unless they remove more.

I honestly hope so, and I’m glad they listened to feedback, but this is Blizzard after all, let’s not forget the slimecat thing last expansion where it said fated raids, which the achievements were in game and included LFR until the day before that patch went live. So they have been known to change things at the 11th hour.

Might want to change the released patch notes. This is still there, implying regular flight will be available in the Entire Dragon Isles!!! As it should be, but nope.


  • Flying on the Dragon Isles is now available after earning the new Dragon Isles Pathfinder achievement.

Blizz game’s ON!! You are doing great Blizzard, you listen to feedback and react quickly. It is really appreciated! Your biggest fan. Me.

Rollo I don’t despise people who don’t like the same things as I do. I think people are fools to refuse to do things in a game then cry at the same time they have nothing to do in the game.

And that was NOT what the Pathfinder complaints were about. They weren’t complaining they had nothing to do. They had stuff they didn’t WANT to do, stuff no one using dragonriding HAD to do, stuff that really had nothing to do with flight, and stuff they’d have to use dragonriding to complete. They were complaining a) Pathfinder existed at all when dragonriding didn’t have one, b) that it required things dragonriding did not require to access, and c) dragonriding had destroyed the justification used for previous pathfinders.

Turning old flight on at any point in the last year without any kind of conditions for its unlock would have solved the problem Pathfinder had to be whipped up to fix. That’s what you were trying to drown out over and over again while claiming you didn’t really care about any of this. Not surprised you still don’t understand that.

My head’s on straight. You’re the one who, when presented with this update, decided he had to moan about how Blizzard is going to let retail die because no one wants to do anything because Blizzard caved on a completely arbitrary renown requirement for a completely arbitrary Pathfinder. Take your bow, drama queen.


No, we were able to glide on day one. Flight won’t come until 10.2 release and even then we can still only glide in the new zone.