Traditional Flying Coming to the Dragon Isles in Guardians of the Dream

I’m not an Achievement hunter really. I shouldn’t be surprised. This game has been putting training wheels on for years now. If it weren’t for my friends, I’d have quit a long time ago.


Maybe the secret is to make a lot of noise on the eve of their annual convention.
See what else they’re willing to do to avoid bad press :smile:


Yeah, it’s a win this change but it shows that CMs / Devs aren’t paying attention to PTR or listening to feedback if they need to react after posting their official announcement.

We need this kind of changes before it’s announced or go live into production environment.


I think the secret is to make a massive fuss about something SO TRIVIAL that Blizzard doesn’t care if they change something because it’s about as impactful as how you tie your shoes.

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Im sure they mean repeating world quests and rep farms over and over again.

Blizzard is going to get to the point they are just going to stop making xpacs for retail and let it die. Retail is to the point that no one really wants to put any real effort into playing anymore. People just want to sit in their little bubbles in the world and be left alone being mindless zombies.

Thank you, Kaivax! This is good news indeed. I’ve got most of the reputations at 15 or above other than Loamm Niffen but I’m still happy that others will be able to fly at normal speeds and with full control. While I’ve got the hang of Dragon Flying at last - the experience is like being strapped to a rocket and being 'yeet’ed across the scenery until the go-powder runs out and then having to sit for several minutes for it to recharge. (And yes, I’ve got all the blasted Dragon Glyphs already, thank you for asking.)

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That is great news. This will temporarily cure my depression over not getting HH pet.

Thanks Blizz!

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Wow thank you thank you thank you!!


You mean Microsoft’s shareholders? Blizzard is so far buried this decision isn’t even going to begin to measure on anyone’s barometer. If anything it’s less timegating.

Thank you Kaivax! It is much appreciated! :dracthyr_heart:

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I actually have all current renowns at 15 or higher but I’m very happy that I won’t have to grind it with the new faction. Especially since due to IRL commitments I won’t have much time to play for the next month or so, and I already can’t keep up with content from previous patches.


Story reason on why normal flying isn’t available for DF: taking time to convince most dragons not to eat/destroy the mounts. Some like a varied diet.

Which is how it is in every post. At least we’re being consistent.

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Huh I tough it’s different well I believe you

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Further feedback remove requirement for storylines and quests. The same reqs as dragonriding. FREE


I’m only taking back what I said about this one thing…


Darn those people and their pesky free will and liking to do things that are different from you!

How miserable would you be without all these people to look down on and despise all of the time?


Wait, wut? No regular flying in the new zone? Then why would they even have put in the Emerald dream rep to begin with?

This is a joke right?

As for the raid, LFR is gonna be a mess and a half! I can DR fine, but i can just see it now.

see the blue post above:

grants traditional flying in many Dragon Isles zones… they expressly didn’t state flying in all of the dragon isles zones.