Traditional Flying Coming to the Dragon Isles in Guardians of the Dream

Apparently they did. They dropped the renown requirement.

And I’m glad they actually listened to feedback and made the change, it’s a step in the right direction. Is it what most wanted, no, but it did remove the biggest point of contention, hopefully, if they do insist on keeping Pathfinder going forward, they don’t have reputation requirements.

LOL they were catching He// all day today from the first post then they changed it…took out that one renowned…

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That how I am too. It sad that everything can be solved by crying and threatening to unsub.

Pass on my congratulations to the team for actually listening to us. You have earned a few month months of subscription for me once im done with the old content I missed because I was going to take a hard pass on the story.


Everyone sees this as a positive and I realize this is an unpopular opinion. But, what is there to work for anymore? Everything is just given and it honestly to me, feels so bad.

Bet all the people that were trolling hard in all these threads to try to get us to shut up are in an uproar.


Can also ask how many times does one need to unlock a feature from 2007? We’re not getting a new reward from Pathfinder. We’re getting access to a feature that we have had for 15+ years.


In all fairness, had people not kicked up a fuss, we wouldn’t have seen this back-peddle lol


Still say we shouldn’t have to be required to the dang pathfinder …we got Dragon flying with no rep grind or quests to do …it was handed out day 1 …all we had to do is go fly and find those circles …we should of been able to normal flying day 1 too…


You still get an achievement for having the Renown 15’s for all of the reps, looks like, so you’re not getting THAT for “no work”. They just removed that achievement requirement for Pathfinder (normal flying), which serves as primarily an accessibility benefit, as we already have the faster, “stronger” Dragonriding. Plus it’s a smart thing to do to retain returning players, or players who don’t have a bunch of time to grind reps in addition to playing through the story content.

Very very true…

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Great news, thanks!

Good to see them listening. :slight_smile:


just so you know, you’re one of those customers where everyone sighs with relief the second they walk out the door promising never to return


ok i guess you really enjoy paying for products that don’t provide what they advertised, good for you?

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We did it!! :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated:

A win for the better development of this game…


This is awesome!

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Still waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Color me skeptical, but there’s never any “give” without at least one “take” involved.

“Upon further review, we’ve decided to remove the Freshscales Fifteen requirement from Dragon Isles Pathfinder . There will be no Renown level requirements.”

Somewhere in the bowels of Blizzard is a “but” waiting to complete the whole picture.

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Its great news but CMs, Please just check this kind of things with time:

We’ve threads on the PTR and GD since September…

20 Days Ago:

September 18:

September 8:

Otherwise, What’s the point of PTR and players doing this kind of post? If you’re working with Devs ahead of time.

That’s my feedback, good change…too late as always.


There isn’t one. They don’t listen to the alpha/beta testers, either. At least, not since Legion.

Did you read the PTR thread about healers? There was way more outrage there than there was about these trivial renown requirements, and Blizzard forged ahead with the healer nerfs anyway.

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