Traditional Flying Coming to the Dragon Isles in Guardians of the Dream

It’s because they have a massive ego problem.


Exactly, in an expansion that flight is available within a few minutes, why wouldn’t both options be available?

I love DR, but not everyone does, for a multitude of reasons. There should be no reason why one flight type is locked behind an outdated system when the other is freely given.


How dare they ask that people (checks requirements again) follow the story.

These requirements are minimal. Do they main story for each zone - that’s not even all quests - that just the storyline. Get to renown 15 in the new area; not max renown, just 15. And the storyline there, which you’ll likely need to get to the raid, and to gear up for the raid, should get you most of the way there.

And you only have to do it on one character, and it’ll be unlocked for the others, just like any other pathfinder.

I swear, some of y’all are just looking for an excuse to yell at Blizzard.


This is creeping up on 500 posts and still no Blue response to all the complaints/concerns/criticisms sprinkled throughout the thread…

If they would meet players “in the middle” then it would really go a long way imo, as a gesture of good-will if nothing else

Or if they insist on keeping the renown requirements, how come we can’t get a “catchup” BOA +renown token like we got during Shadowlands? Seems having something like that would allow new/returning players to close the distance, while also benefiting existing players that have a low-renown faction here and there

Where is the binds-on-account “Use: instantly increases your renown to X with ________” token this time around? Back in Shadowlands we got a BOA token that instantly boosted your renown to 40, which could be freely mailed between alts - there is no similar “catchup” mechanic BOA token in Dragonflight, you literally have to re-grind renown from 0 on each individual alt


Notice how they drop this right before Blizzcon, I would guess they were hoping that people would be so focused on Blizzcon they could get away with this and people wouldn’t see it until after the fact. Kind of like they did in WoD with both the flying removal interview, and the interview where they announced WoD would be cut after the .2 patch. They did both of those right before a 3 day weekend and hoped no one would notice.


Walmart is about to run out of tinfoil. Really some of you need to relax and have a nice drink of something strong.

Then if Dragonriding isn’t flying and is only gliding, the PF makes perfect sense as it unlocks actual ‘flying’ just as it’s previous versions did.

Because your logic is flawed all you people with the “huh people don’t want to play the game” “all you have to do is play the game”

You can play the game and have fun but not complete the-pathfinder reqs…it’s playing the game the way blizzard wants you too. There’s content that not everyone finds engaging or fun like rep or now reknown grinds. Now this is the part you reply with how fast you can get the reqs done…

So I must say to save time replying in advance but you don’t get it. What part of some don’t enjoy it is not understood.

To make it worse in DF it’s doing a chore list for slower flying when we’ve had better flying all along. So now the pathfinder req makes even less sense than it ever did.

It’s a game it should be fun on the terms of how people play it. If someone just wants to pick herbs and randomly quest and maybe jump in a dungeon here or that … that’s definitely playing the game but probably won’t complete the req list for pathfinder.


They need a distraction for a system that has been in the game 10 years?

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I would have thought that they would have reversed the process, give out static flight at first then if you want to get the fancy new speedy flight you have to jump thru some hoops.

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Do you search for my posts in particular, this is the third time you’ve quoted me in particular about this whole flying thing.

They added a feature that’s been talked about since launch, and listed the requirements. That’s all this post was for. Players on the PTR have known about this for weeks, and I’m sure there’s been plenty of feedback. Devs haven’t budged on it once since it was datamined. Why would they say anything now?

I thought they’re not doing a Q&A this Blizzcon?

But then they wouldn’t be able to say that dragonriding was wildly successful, because fewer people would have bothered to unlock it and use it. As it stands, everyone had to use DR whether they really liked it or not (or just run around on the ground, which we know most folks won’t do), and BAM, Blizzard can call it a “huge success” because of usage metrics.


This drives me crazy. Each quest should result in rep gained. There are many quests where this does not happen for any faction.

I hate blizzards model for renown and reputation now.

No, they’re opening a post to gather our questions on Friday, so they can choose the easy ones with no consequence to answer, and blatantly ignore all the rest.

Then they’ll make a video a week or two after BlizzCon answering the questions and players will be no better off for it.

Guarantee they won’t choose any question that inquires why PF was needed or why it has so many requirements.


Well they not doing a “actual traditional Q&A” basically they just going to take questions off the internet that will be low hanging fruit…like I like mogs will you add more ETC


I bet they change their mind a week after 10.2 goes live. The casuals who don’t read message boards will discover the requirements and will enrage. An echo chamber will be constructed, enough people will cancel their sub, and then the devs can go to their infernal investors and be like “hey your stupid demands to milk the players time has failed. Can we finally just give them traditional flying?” And the overlords of avarice and pride will finally, reluctantly, agree.

Then we will get the blue post about how blizzard has listened to player requests and is a hero.

:rofl::rofl::rofl: Made me lol

Caverns are easy, just do the Researchers every week, and digs when you can. JUST doing researchers on my alts for 415 gear weekly 6 of my alts are also max rep with them…