Traditional Flying Coming to the Dragon Isles in Guardians of the Dream

Okay? Dragonriding is still flying. Period. You just don’t like how it works, and that’s fine. I understand why.

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No, dragon riding is not flying - it is gliding.


This should have been one new and original quest line. Not all these stupid hoops to jump through just for regular flying. how dumb.


I hate rep farm with passion, but I think even before you needed more. Form Neutral tho Friendly you needed 6000 then from friendly to honored 12000 plus from honored to refer 21000. So it’s 2000 rep more. It’s not doubled.

Again before someone else start to be a smart a$$ and wants to lecture you how you have no clue, don’t worry it’s small mistake just fix it , but still they should lower the rep by 50% at least and increase the fing rep gain

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Neutral to friendly - 3000

Friendly to honored - 6000

Honored to revered - 12000

Revered to exalted - 21000

(You can look up a reputation guide on wowhead if you don’t believe me)

Going from neutral to revered is

3000 + 6000 + 12000 = 21000

15 renown = 2500 rep per renown level

15 x 2500 = 37500.

The new rep requirement is very close to double what we used to need.


People have been doing it for almost 20 years. The dealer understands the addict.

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Did you really expect anything to change? Blizzard Devs has been spewing the same nonsense since WoD with their cycle:

  1. Alpha/Beta feedback for the most part entirely ignored
  2. Game releases in an incomplete state with several game-breaking bugs, incomplete systems, class balance being a mess, and core features that are sloppily made
  3. Players play the game for a month or two at the beginning of the expansion and quit in droves after post-launch feedback mostly ignored
  4. WoW team makes some kind of statement saying “we’re going to listen to you guys”
  5. They implement some kind of non-fix that doesn’t solve any issues with specific features and systems giving the illusion of “listening”. Or they make it worse by ignoring feedback (who was asking for more item levels between tiers?)
  6. Takes months for them to “listen” and even then insist on continuing the same failing philosophies
  7. The second players find a way to break out of the arduous and boring chores they force on the playerbase they quickly and heavily nerf it and call it an “exploit”
  8. They make another statement and find some kind of idiotic way to pin the problems with the community perception of the game and “commit” to making a better game in the future.
  9. Return to step 1

And you are still wrong. It is not just gliding.

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Actually I am correct.

Dragon riding is not flying - it is gliding.


I am done with you. Have a nice day.

AFKing on a mount isn’t flying either. It’s hovering.
This is a fun game. Your turn.

BTW, you must be the luckiest player in the world to find so many dirt piles so close to each other that hitting them all depletes your vigor before flight replenishes it. Considering you have all the talents.

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Just glide on your dragon glider along the river in ohnaran plains and there’s tons of dirt piles there


Honestly, this isn’t a battle you can win, but I wish you the best of luck.


If they’re really that plentiful, do you need to fly between each of them?
This is like going to three different shops in a strip mall, and driving to each one because you’ll be closer to your car when you leave.

They aren’t that close to eachother that I can see the location of the next one while still on the ground, usually I see the next one right after I use a vigor to take off.

So yeah, just let me walk along the ENTIRE river because I will waste vigor by gliding from one dirt pile to the next.

How about I just get normal flight and not have to pay a penalty fee for wanting to use my flying mount?

Why not use my example regarding world quest objectives, shall we?

Ok, so the world quest “Ancient Protodragons” in waking shores - you have to kill multiple elite proto dragons. Each proto dragon is located on a different cliff of a mountain - it is physically not possible to move from one proto dragon to another without dragon riding… BUT here’s the kicker - although each proto dragon is on a ledge or cliff of a different mountain, they are VERY CLOSE to eachother. It is literally impossible to regain vigor while dragon riding from one elite proto drake to the next AND IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO WALK FROM ONE PROTO DRAGON TO THE NEXT.

Maybe a demon hunter can glide from one cliff to the next with double jump but what do other classes do? The other classes simply get on their dragon riding mounts and take the penalty for using their dragon to move from one location to another that is too close to recharge a vigor.


Biggest mistake that Blizzard had done was introducing flying into the game.

The best part is that you apparently won’t be able to legacy fly in the zones associated with the last two but you still need the rep with them. :no_mouth:

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makes one wonder how many people since WoD have quit the game over this war against flying, kind of hard to understand Blizz about this.


If this is the case, then Blizz is just showing how truly petty they are. Ion and Co are just overgrown children at this point and doing whatever they can to spite the players who don’t play the way they want them to.

They just need to grow up, say ok, we get it, some players don’t like Dragonriding for one reason or another, here is regular flying, no strings attached,for those that don’t, and both will be available from the start going forward, and that would be such an easy win for them. Sadly their egos won’t allow that.


I have no idea why they can’t just do this…