Traditional Flying Coming to the Dragon Isles in Guardians of the Dream

So bad, proving the devs don’t know what they’re doing still

It would take 10s of thousands to quit, and all of them would have to be month-to-month subs bc if someone who has a 6- or 12-month recurring sub, what harm is done by quitting for a few months over PF?

I won’t say they never comment on this, but I don’t see any reversals in the future.

No, but weird to have low post 0 achiev mvps again proving blizz doesn’t know what it’s doing with that program either. Crazy that pathfinder has more requirements than the ones needed to become MVP

So, in previous expansions, I’ve been a defender of Pathfinder.

However, I literally haven’t been playing Dragonflight because of accessibility issues with Dragonriding. Requiring content that involves using Dragonriding to get around to unlock regular flying continues to lock me out of Dragonflight.

I’m glad that Dragonriding exists for those who enjoy it, but it’s time to open the game back up for the rest of us.


I really didn’t want to think that they would stoop so low but it’s starting to seem like this is exactly what’s happening. Tons of people won’t bother with pathfinder because it’s an annoying chore and then blizzard will use that as evidence later that people don’t like traditional flying and that dragonriding is way more successful. And the people like me who would have played the game more if traditional flying were easily available will be ignored.


Actually, no. That was just luck…most likely due to a ridiculous statement.

However, what does that have to do with the question you didn’t answer?

but the requirements for this pathfinder are almost double what we used to have.

also, we arent getting real flying in the new zone… so yeah.

also pathfinder should never have been a thing to begin with… there is absolutely ZERO reason to timegate flying behind an achievement that isn’t available until 12 months after the release of an expansion.

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I want regular flying back but I am not doing this. I have most of it but not the ones in that worthless, awful cavern and not going to do it. Checking out until the next xpac at this point. Maybe for good if I do not like the look of the next xpac.


Whether its 1000 renown or what you have calculatrd…it’s still pathfinder that has always come at the end of the expansion.

We knew this was coming.

well, we knew that EVERY SINGLE PATHFINDER ever put in the game has required ONLY REVERED REPUTATION.

revered reputation is 21,000 rep.

15 renown is 37,500 rep… almost double.

so they are making us do double the work…no we didnt see this coming.

also, pathfinder was a terrible idea to start off, pathfinder should never have been introduced and flying should never have been timegated.

just because pathfinder was in the game previously doesn’t mean it was a good idea.

look at torghast and system lands - oh torghast chores were in the game previously, guess that means we have torghast chores, venaari rep grinds, and korthia rep grinds every expansion.

nope, we didn’t like it and it was removed… time to get rid of pathfinder - we don’t like it and we want it gone.


Which won’t happen.
If people don’t do it, like before…that won’t change that these are what must be done.

Except that this whole time renown has been presented as totally optional. In SL all the toons I played had max renown. It was basically required. Now none of my toons have the required renown and only now they tell us you need it for flying. I guess you could argue that traditional flying itself is optional content but come on. We all know that’s something a lot of people will want. Gating it behind the “totally optional, only do it if you like the story, it’s super slow but that’s ok it’s optional” reputations seems… how should I say… scummy.

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fine let blizzard lose wow subs over this… doesn’t bother me.

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It seems like the same thing as done in the past. Rep or renown. We know there is a reason for their existence, mainly to keep us chasing the carrot.

We had renown previously, why would that change just because there was no covenant this time? We KNEW at some point that there would have to be regular flight added. Why would they implement it any differently that it has been since WoD.

I guess my point is that WoD not withstanding, every expansion since pathfinder has been made up of achievements that people who’ve been playing the whole expansion would already have. It didn’t feel like additional work for people who had been keeping up with the game. But I think it’s clear from the replies in this thread that a good amount of people HAVE been playing the game but HAVE NOT done renown. If this were BfA or SL those people, including me, would already have completed most of the pathfinder requirements and wouldn’t have any problem. It seemed reasonable to assume that in this “alt friendly” expansion where renown is optional content that it would be left off the requirements.

in shadowlands, renown was just a number… you did one quest (the 1000 anima weekly) and you got one renown.

renown in dragonflight is just reputation - and much more reputation than the old rep system.

renown was completely changed after shadowlands…

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Said nearly 10 years ago. It didn’t happen then to a massive degree over flight then, and it won’t happen now.

We are a small group of the base. When we lose subs, it’s over massive issues with the game itself. Not flight.

how many subs did wow lose with wod?

how many subs did wow lose with BFA?

how many subs did wow lose with shadowlands?



Over massive OTHER issues.
Not. Flight.

wod was a fine expansion minus the fact it had no flight.

shadowlands was so much fun to play after flying was introduced

there’s a reason the sub count has drastically fallen after mop…