Traditional Flying Coming to the Dragon Isles in Guardians of the Dream

Most players now consider the first implementation of the expansion to be old content at this point. They do not consider that to be the old world, which itself has a specific meaning.

You are the one who is being pedantic.

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No, it’s not “just” playing the game – this is an ignorant and logically fallacious viewpoint.

It’s playing the game a certain way which happens to coincide with the way you do things. Simply put, there are many parts of the game that do not give rep.

Which makes Pathfinder all the more ridiculous. It’s another hoop to be jumped through for no real reason, and yet people defend it vehemently with “it’s not as high as the last one”.

Are you doing the weekly in Veldrakken and the weekly for the events like dreamsurges, timeywimey, and element invasions? (Yeah I can’t remember what either is actually called) just doing what you described you should be at 15 for them by now. I hardly played all season and I’m only missing loamm.

So play the game, cool, easy.

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WQs are the wrong way to get rep in the caverns. Pick up weekly quest in Loamm, do the researchers event and then do the sniffen digs - and make sure to grab the treasure mice in the digs. For Researchers Group Finder>Premade>Custom at around quarter after the hour should find you a group. I’ve never had a problem finding a full raid to do a complete clear of the event. Between digs and researchers you should within 100 of so to complete the weekly.

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Yes, ^ that is a good summary of the “friction” surrounding this whole flying issue - they’re basically “forcing” players into doing content they don’t want to do (or even just don’t enjoy doing), and that experience (doing stuff you don’t want to do) is NOT fun for the players

For example, lots of players dislike the Loamm Niffins lands/cave… yet we’re essentially “forced” to go down there and consume that boring content if we want to fly? I’d rather watch paint dry tbh :yawning_face::zzz:

Also, for a good number of PvP’ers whose primary endgame activity is PvP they really don’t have much reason to even leave the capital city since PvP gear is acquired thru PvP and there is a lot of standing around Valdrakken waiting for queue-pops

Some of my PvP-focused friends literally just “park” themselves on a random ledge/rooftop in Valdrakken while waiting for a PvP queue-pop… and sometimes they do so for a few hours. Obviously these players are not going to have renowns current or are only current with 1 or 2 of them

I’ve done similar on weekends (“parking” on a roof and chain-queuing for BGs), and some of my renowns are lagging behind as I just don’t leave the capital city much.

I think my Loamm Niffins is like R11, but that’s because I’ve barely gone down there. I poked around for the first 2 weeks or so, then literally stopped going down there for months (found the content to be boring, like many other players) - only started going down there again once Pathfinder was announced about 2 months ago

And the PvP’ers are only one example; for other styles of players such as pet battlers, RP’ers, mount collectors, etc there probably isn’t much reason to “farm” reputation either


Wow. I am disgusted by the renown requirement. Way to deceive your players into thinking this xpac is “alt friendly” then doing something like this. I’m not even renown 10 with most factions since I’ve been playing alts. Now I can’t access the feature I most wanted without grinding fishing rep? And the worst part is it’s totally unnecessary. I would love someone to tell me the point of these requirements other than creating friction and ill will among your own playerbase. You think this will encourage people to play the game more? I literally almost unsubbed the second I read it. But then I came here to complain instead so I guess I’m the problem too. But eventually you’ll have spat in the face of even the most loyal fans one too many times Blizz. This isn’t smart.


Ill try this. I was doing it in Warmode and I couldnt find anyone.

Oh I was looking forward to never using dragon riding ever again, looks like I’m stuck using it in the new zone.

I’m actually just so tired of blizzard making this game a chore.

I don’t like dragon riding, it is annoying and obnoxious.

Why can’t I just have normal flying in every zone on day one of release.

We had flying on day one of every expansion from TBC to MoP and everyone liked it.

(No dragon riding does not count as flying - it is an obnoxious mini game. Oh look I was flying from Thaldrazsus to Ohnaran Plains, unfortunately I received a phone call mid flight. I picked up my phone and when I looked back at my screen, I had passed into azure span)…. Fun times.

I still have an active sub for two weeks so I’m going to check out the new zone - if it turns out that I can never use traditional flying there, then I will be cancelling my sub and I’ll return when you launch an expansion with traditional flying available on day one.


:cookie: :person_shrugging:

Pretty arrogant to think that players will buy a new expansion if you double down on treating them with sheer contempt.


lol ive ignored my renowns the whole xpac so now i cant fly slow?

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Maxing reps does not come from “playing the game.”

You don’t get rep from pvp.

You don’t get rep from mythic plus

You don’t get rep from raiding.

You get rep from doing world quests - why would people automatically do world quests? There’s no reason to do WQs if you don’t care about seeing the storyline.

Now I will say I like doing world quests, I find them relaxing so I’m maxed out on all reps on three characters (granted the second and third alt got max alot easier because of the 200% rep until renown 10).

But don’t mistake that for the fact that not everyone enjoys doing world quests - because a lot of people don’t.

I never maxed rep with cobalt assembly because I got a higher ilvl ring from world rares before season one started.

What if this pathfinder required max cobalt assembly? Uh, I’d have to go back and grind out mobs for a worthless rep (and it would be a LONG GRIND because blizzard felt the need to nerf the rep gains from that)…

This whole pathfinder thing was obnoxious when it was released in WoD and it simply got worse as the expansions progressed.


We also can’t fly in oribos. We also can’t fly from one shadowlands continent to another (we have to use an FP)…. blizzard’s artificial annoyances that they add to the game for no reason are quite literally the reason I am an engineer on EVERY CHARACTER.

can’t properly move between zones? Use worm hole.

No auction house in new zone? Use wormhole. (They actually added an auction house useable by everyone in dragonflight) but they doubled down on everything else people dislike


You make some good points, but I can’t say I agree with your view that dragonriding isn’t actually flying, because it is. Whether it’s better or not than normal flying is obviously subjective though. Still, having both options from the get-go (and without Pathfinder, which shouldn’t exist at all) would have made a fair number of players happy.


Here we go again. Pathfinder… what a waste of time, things will never change. I was huffing hopium that things might change with Microsoft taking over because IN MY OPINION the game is super boring right now. Blizz will never listen to the players, and continue to implement time sinks for player retention just in time for them to report quarterly earnings and retention numbers to investors.

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Can we get 500% reputation buff till the end of the expansion?


Worth keeping in mind that back in Vanilla, crossing any water usually forced you off your mount, and then you’d spend 3 seconds to mount up again when you got out. Un’goro Crater was famously an incredibly fun place to be because of that.

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Dragon riding is actually just a glorified goblin glider. It is a glider that has timegating mechanics to its ability to propel forward.

Doing a world quest where the objectives are too close that you can’t regain vigor when moving from one to another? Well hope you enjoy sitting down and doing nothing while you wait for vigor to recharge.

Are you farming dirt piles for profession knowledge? Well you have to land and take off quite frequently (and you aren’t usually able to see the location of next dirt pile without flying a small distance) - hope you enjoy sitting down and waiting on vigor to recharge after six dirt piles.

(Yes I have all glyphs).

Are you trying to find the location of rare spawn orbs for the seething cache in zaralek caverns? Well have fun flying past each possible location at 800% speed or land on the ground to walk and take a closer look (meaning you will eventually have to recharge vigor)

Idk why blizzard LOVES to double down on things people hate???

People LOATHE pathfinder so guess what, we get a pathfinder that is more obnoxious than the last one.

15 renown x 2500 rep = 37000 rep.

We used to need revered for pathfinder.

Neutral to revered = 21000 rep.

People gave blizzard feedback that they did not like power infusion - mostly because their class was balanced around getting this external cool-down and it felt very bad to not get power infusion.

Guess what blizzard did? They doubled down on external buffs and gave us aug voker which is power infusion but 100 times worse.

Like just once, I’d like blizzard to take feedback from the player base and actually follow it rather than doing the exact opposite by implementing more things that are worse than the feature they originally complained about.


I thought the same about it until I actually tried it. It’s still flying, but in my opinion better than normal flight. You can ascend and descend on a whim and stay off the ground forever if you really wanted to.

Can you stay flying indefinitely when you are travelling long distances? Yes.

But you run out of vigor if you are doing anything other than flying a long distance.

IE - dragonriding between two objectives for a world quest AND farming dirt piles AND searching for rare spawns. (As I mentioned above)

Normal flying also allows you to stay off the ground forever.

You can also do this with normal flying

Again blizzard doubling down on something players hate - players have given blizzard feedback that they don’t want to be forced to dragon ride - what does blizzard do? AH YES, they put a dragon riding mechanic on the bosses of new raid.

Do you like to raid? Hopefully you don’t have any physical disabilities or motion sickness that prevents you from using dragon riding… if you want to raid now and dragon riding upsets your motion sickness - well, better luck next raid, perhaps blizzard won’t design it in a way that makes people with certain disabilities and medical conditions unable to engage with it.