Traditional Flying Coming to the Dragon Isles in Guardians of the Dream

Can we formally change the name of “traditional flying” to “boring flying?”

You do some damage with renowned by doing some quest when leveling. But unfortunately everyone just levels through instances and that’s on them.

  • Freshscales Fifteen – Achieve renown fifteen with all major factions on the Dragon Isles: Dragonscale Expedition, Maruuk Centaur, Iskaara Tuskarr, Valdrakken Accord, Loamm Niffen, and Dream Wardens.

We all know what kind of move this is.


It doesn’t affect me yet… this whole pathfinder thing is coming off as spite to the players. Blizzard should really reconsider their stance on this unpopular requirement to downgrade flying. And it doesn’t even work across all DF zones? Seriously!?

I looked at my renown and I noticed that I only have level 8 on the fart moles. The caverns are just the worst DF zone to me and I stopped playing it. I tried to go back and do some… and it’s just not going to happen.

What reason does Blizzard have to be soooo bullheaded on this?


Cool think I’ll just stick to Dragon Riding

Yep its called punishment for those players that have physical or health issues …


Boring? Boring to who? You? Someone who probably doesn’t care to unlock it anyways because DR is better and somethingsomethingsomething canflyfasteralwaysinarushnevertabsouthealthetc?
I still don’t get why people having such a problem with this flying existing… sometimes it’s nice to hover… to AFK for life reasons, health, great for taking screenshots of the world below without having to be forced to land before you get it just right…

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OK, seriously though, I think the flight system needs an overhaul or redesign.

I assume Blizzard will do something like this going into the future, unless they’re just dropping Dragon Flying after DF.

All I want is Dragonriding in old content.

If you had read the entire post instead of picking out what you wanted for selective gotcha you’d know that for people with medical problems that make dragonriding in an expansion about flying not possible that yes, regular flying is an accessibility feature for them that they have been asking to get for over a year now.


So what we need to do is, Blizz has their open Q&A this Friday, everyone who disagrees with Pathfinder should ask why Blizz refuses to drop it, and I mean everyone, flood the thread with this question and let Blizz decide to either answer it, or ignore it and hopefully cause themselves a PR headache.


Dragonriding is fun, they probably won’t get rid of it, it’ll just join the rest of flying behind next expansion’s pathfinder! nod
Both flying styles can exist together, each have their goods and bads, just as everything, so why must we argue over which is better… when we should work together before the “superior” flight is also pathfinded one day too?

and also work together to give more snacks to Vulpera so that some of us won’t bite anymore, not me of course, but others…

I’ve seen comment from many people and I would like to say this is NOT true for everyone.

I’ve been VERY “active” player for 17 years, and I still don’t have renown 15 for the achievement.

This character (Catalan) is my “main” but I have 25+ alts running Dragon Isles every day because I’m what people call an “alt-aholic”. On Catelan I’ve played thou all the quests in every DI zone that I could find before staring on any of the alts. Also, I should say I never do group content or PvP, so I don’t get any reputation from those activities. However, I do world quests every day that eke out a tiny bit of rep. I still don’t have ANY faction at level 15 on Catelan.

Another fact is that I’m retired and play WOW 5-10 hours a day. If they made the renown requirement ACCOUNT WIDE I would easily meet that requirement a few times over. What really irritates me is if Blizzard were to look at my “time played” for the account, it would be very obvious that I have surpassed the 15 renown requirement but they don’t (won’t?) do that.

Pathfinder is a cruel abomination that needs to be stopped.

Retro flying is objectively better in almost every possible way except speed. You can mount faster, you’re more mobile, you have no cooldowns, you can hover etc etc. But, you are like half as fast.

I think if there was an overhaul you could give retro flying to certain kinds of mounts that that model would work for, like Brooms, Discs, Gyrocopters, and then give other mounts different flight styles, limitations and abilities.

I don’t know if this would ever happen, Blizzard might be perfectly happy with having two kinds of flying, which might be fine, I guess.

Which neither of those things will happen

It feels like they’re unhappy with us having any flying, what’s to stop them now from putting DR behind this sort of stuff? It’s time to work together before both kinds are like this! nod
and before they do the same with all the snacks!

Can we speed up WQ refresh? Especially in the Caverns?

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Me personally, I hate flying. I very loudly and frequently complained about it pre-SL, I think. It damages the game in a lot of ways, while helping it in others.

Either way, there’s probably no way to remove it from the game, it’s too fundamental to the WoW experience at this point.

Did you pick only that part of my comment? I agree it must be stoped that’s why I said “most” because there’s players impacted and then new/ returning players algo affected.

It’s an easy win for Blizzard just adding it for a new mount but releasing flying for everyone day 1 without any chore.

Yeah they’re not a close comparison. You can fly day 1 in Dragonflight.