Traditional Flying Coming to the Dragon Isles in Guardians of the Dream

We’ve hit 350 plus posts because this thread has become an echo chamber supported by the same dozen posters who’ve been posting the same thing over and over again, just the same as all the other PF threads for the past few weeks. I’m guessing we’re an hour or so away from someone throwing out an “abelist” or two.

And this is where you really lost me(Pathfinder is bunk already). Been waiting the whole expansion for this feature to be unlocked, have every requirement except the Emerald Dream exploration and Dream Wardens rep. I ground out Pathfinder in WoD, BfA, and even Shadowlands(that I got for free! Which is also the only reason I played it.).

WoD was a nasty, long grind but I was enjoying the setting/scenery so I tolerated it. BfA was the worst chore of the bunch due to the Mechagnome faction rep. Gods I hated that so much. Shadowlands felt… really easy. And pointless, I thought I’d enjoy the expansion in the slightest if I could fly. Nope. But I played it when Blizzard gave it to me for free and all the catchup mechanics were in place.

The people really like the fast Dragonriding. Not me, but others do. Gave that to us for nothing on the first day of the expansion. But oh, that regular, since TBC flight? Nah, gotta work for that. GRIND for that.

Really makes me want to let the Pause I put on my sub stay there til the end of the expansion and wait for catchup mechanics. Or longer, depending on what is revealed in the coming month.


realID was worse but this might go up there in the top five of bad decisions (eg realid, removign flight from WoD proposal, covenant locking, azerite armor fiasco, etc). Too early to say.

Very true.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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No. I quit.

So when Dragonriding comes to old world are we going to have round 2 of a pathfinder? Exalted with the 4 core factions of Horde/Alliance, Exalted with Hydroxen Waterlords? And what done every quest for each content you want to Soar over?

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Sorry to see you go.

DF needs more players and not less.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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When is dragonriding going to be enabled in ye olde content? I was flying around doing older content thinking how sweet it would be to fly faster to my destination on my dragon.

BlizZard is very inconsistent with what they do and say so you have to wait and see.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Um you do know that, Rep with the Factions is apart of the game, so congrats your doing what was intended all along which was play aspects of the game itself. It is about time my friend. I am maxed out on all my reps and get the boxes for maxing out over and over again for just actually playing the game.

Most likely I will to . I hate Dragonriding so its all I can do to log into retail now . I just looked , best I could tell I have to do every quest line mostly from the start . I have not even started to get renown in that cave . I seen no reason to do renown grind because crafting sucked so hard was not worth doing . So Blizz most likely you lost one more paying sub .

Flying isn’t an accessibility feature and it never was. But to quote all the fanboys who had no problem swapping away from buying flying at max level to all the gated pathfinder grinds: you don’t have to fly. Ground travel really makes the world feel “bigger.”

I hate the DF zones and questlines and side quests and world quests and zone events. But I need to be able to fly in those zones so I can continue not doing any of that stuff while AFK hovering in the air. Blizzard please fix this.

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This is always what Pathfinder has been about, aside from Ion and Co being petty children, they are trying to actively discourage players from using it by locking it behind this absurd system, so they can kill it off. I wonder if they want to kill it because they didn’t create it, therefore they hate it, but they created Dragonriding so therefore it’s fine. I hope this bites them in the rear end again and they have to pull a 180.


Pathfinder could reward something else. Mount, toy, pet, transmog, titles.

Flying could simply be timegated (if it must be) and free or have a gold cost

It’s ok Blizzard, I’ve already cancelled my account so you’ve got your wish. Your game is no longer FUN, and this Pathfinder requirement is beyond contemptible.


What about traditional flying for Dracthyr?


You still need Renowned 15 with the Dream Wardens which is part of the Emerald Dream area.

Your really going to push this renowned rep down our throats when you gave out Dragon Flying Free on day 1 of Dragon Island going live…NO rep to have to have…no chasing story lines…just get on Dragon and fly around and collect circles…just love how your treating the those of us with Disabilities and those that get physically sick from Dragon flying…


This is just another reason to not buy DF.


Get started folks.
It doesn’t take that long

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