Traditional Flying Coming to the Dragon Isles in Guardians of the Dream

Says the person that keeps telling other people what can or cant be a grind to them in every single thread about flying.

We do not care what your opinion is, it does not refute or override ours. You got your free riding that you always claim is superior. Go away already.


Just because you can’t keep your story straight and you talk yourself into a corner you can’t talk yourself out of doesn’t mean I’m not having a discussion.

If you’re making points that are contradicted by your own self? That’s not my problem.

You still can’t provide a reason pathfinder has to exist, your only reply to that was “we can charge 100k gold instead” as if that’s at all a good point.

You keep talking about how trivial the requirements are, but can’t explain why there’s even a point to having them, if that’s the case.

You insist people should have to go through this checklist for regular flying, but in terms of dragon riding, you decided it was equal that you had to fly around with a Wowhead guide for an hour on day 1 collecting the glyphs, which you were already given dragon riding to do. The equivalent would be giving people 100% flying to go around collecting glyphs for 310% flying, but you’re wholly against that.

I’m still waiting for you to make one good point where you don’t bring up some weird tangential point (100k gold for it) or contradict yourself (dragon riding should be almost instant and only involve collecting glyphs where regular flying requires X, Y, Z) so we can have an actual conversation.

I’m not talking AT you any more than you’re talking AT the people you disagree with, maybe that’s why you won’t answer my questions (or maybe it’s because you genuinely don’t have a good answer but don’t want to admit that because you’re set in your ways of how things should work?)


I think this just showed in blazing colors that Blizzard doesn’t give a cr@p about players who aren’t young and healthy. You have any issues at all with dragonflying for any reason … They just sh@t all over you.

Blizzard pretends to care and listen buy they don’t. Evident in their lack of changes to the outcry and ZERO response to this thread.


Regular flying should be unlocked the same way DR was. It’s silly to keep Pathfinder at this point.


I had to laugh when I read your post.  Not at you, but rather the memory it brought back.

In Cataclysm you had two starting leveling zones, Hyjal and Vashj’ir.  You could pick which one to quest in, before moving on to Uldum.  Some went to Hyjal (like me), others did Vashj’ir instead (my twin sibling).

Well.  With patch 4.2.0, you had the Molten Front as the new dailies quest hub.  Only problem was, the entrance was set in Hyjal.  The phased version of Hyjal, which was only accessible to your character after you had reached a certain point in the zone’s story line.

This left those who hadn’t done Hyjal at all understandably unhappy, since it did mean having to do a rather lengthy amount of questing in that zone to “catch up”.

And here we are again after a fashion. Blizzard told us that Renown in Dragonflight would be completely optional.  Mainly vanity stuff, like cosmetics, pets, and toys.  Well look where we are now – turns out Renown is required after all if you want to get back what’s been available in the game since 2007.  And it won’t even be for all DF zones either, apparently.  How messed up is that for those of us who have problems with dragonriding? “Here’s your slop, but only if you stand on your head while spinning and you can’t use your hands (you have those, right?).  Oh, and since it’s slop, your portion is smaller.  Have fun!  :upside_down_face:

I have to agree with others: This reeks of pettiness.


Hey Blizz, any chance I could introduce you to a friend of mine named Andrew Jackson and let him convince you to let me skip all those requirements and just let me have DF Pathfinder?

(if you don’t know who Andrew Jackson is, don’t feel bad, nobody ever remembers who’s picture is on a 20$ bill.)

you know how much money blizzard would make if they let us pay for normal flying?

i would pay the same for normal flying in the new zones as a 60 boost costs… no joke, 100% would have bought that day one without even thinking twice and likely would have bought a couple to gift to my friends, so they could enjoy it with me.

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should be 10 renown. 15 is an odd number

Tbh, while this is “ultimatley fine” this seems a very odd expansion to include an unnecessary pathfinder in.

oh i dunno. i play all forms of wow but only have big problems with retail. pathfinder has always been a problem for me. i’ve always had to wait till it was nerfed later. like i wasnt able to do bfa in a reasonable amount of time, so i skipped most of it till pathfinder was removed. now i’m exalted with waveblade ankoans. but this was only possible 2 expacs later. its not just a speed bump, its a mighty obstacle.

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Extra work for a downgrade? Mmkay.

AFAIK, the major people who want this are RPers and players with special needs. So why are you locking this behind content those two player types probably won’t or can’t do?

This is almost as dumb as the “real name on the forums” scandal many years ago. Almost.


That’s the point.

Do you think they would make it super cheap, or a total gold sink?

This is an absolutely insane amount of requirements to unlock an objectively inferior version of flying. You’re effectively asking someone who has a car, to go through weeks of tedious chores for the right to ride a bicycle.

Makes literally no sense at all, Blizz.


Some of us may not be in agreement as to which version of flying is inferior.

Wrath at least gave this lore.

Its cold up here!

Okay, kind of legit. For the more picky and dedicated car folks even we have summer and winter weight oil and fluids.

wrath was just an oil change that took however long it took to ding 80 once lol.

I think Blizzard has realized that they’re are many who want traditional flying, and have left until it returns or have not been playing as much.

It a way to milk those players of time that they did not use playing all that time.

I find this very unlikely.

There has been posts from players who are not able to use Dragon ridding due to disabilities. They have said that they would take a break or not been able to play the game at full effectiveness due to this feature.


It be like making numlock “RP walk” need an unlock lol.

Want to walk slow? Well go run content for a few weeks.


I specifically haven’t bought DF yet due to regular flying not being available in it yet (though there are several other things that increasingly made the game sound like poo to me) . I DID try it out on one of those ‘free weekend’ things and did enjoy the first zone, both exploring it and questing in it, but just absolutely dragged on the plains. It was pretty, but one big zone ‘shut up shut up shut up, I don’t care, oh god, I don’t care!’.

Conspiracy Theory time, but I suspect that by making it as onerous as possible, they actively want to discourage as many people as possible from bothering with it, so that they can go ahead and claim “The metrics support the idea that the players don’t want TBC flying, so by getting rid of it we’re doing what the customers want!” while ignoring that the fact they skewed it that way on purpose.