Trading Post

Cutesy mogs? Fine.

But where are the Conan-inspired mogs? Where is the chainmail bikini? What about the He-Man styled gladiator chest? And don’t talk to me about the low-res trash that’s in Classic. Can we have just a big, old-fashioned greatsword without twisty, turny, curvy, sparkly bits that make it look like nonsense? Can we get some simple fur barbarian loincloth and boots that again, aren’t low-res Classic pixels?

That’s the main issue. It’s ALL been cutesy junk, never any variety.

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I am here for the loincloths and chest straps and chainmail bikini. I hope they come through soon!


That gif is legendary. I love the Monarch so much.

“Feel the sting of the Monarch!”

…Monarchs… don’t sting!

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Some of the items are alright what I’d like to see them do is implement druid skins for balance,bear,cat heck even new flight forms just something for us druids would be awesome.

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Oh yeah I would love a red Sonja look.


I would have much preferred to remain unaware. Thank you for showing me this example of bad existing outside of the WoW TP.

No hold up let them cook. Let’s swap it around. Give us cutesy pink tier sets and they can have all their skulls and dark edgy gear on the Trading Post.


The purity police won’t let Blizzard do stuff like that, anymore.


Sadly this is true, but one can hope.

Breh I’m watching a Paladin in a dress and shoulder length gloves talk to a guy that just referenced a manga with a man in a laced up gimp suit about the “purity police” somehow preventing them from what they want.

Is this real life?


Wouldn’t it be better if those were available year-round, instead of being a one-and-done thing on the trading post that people afterwards would complain they can’t get, anymore?

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I mean, there’s a chainmail bikini that exists, it’s in the game assets. It just hasn’t come up in the rotation yet.

You can literally get this from the Undermine content, though:



I dunno, we got bikinis and hide pants options more recently. Even got a nice new loincloth pants in undermine.


These posts = Undermined trash piles


Last month there were the extra traders around to soak up the extra tendies.
This month I got the unicorn, the vigilante mask (can’t wait for the black version), and the boots (all up, less than 500 tendies). Any more tendies I get from here on, gets saved for next month.


Those aren’t new. Those are Warbear Woolies. They have been in the game since Vanilla.

It isn’t even a new, high-res model. It’s just a 20 year old item with a new name.

I wasn’t around for MoP Remix… and was really a bummer that I couldn’t get even half of what I wanted a couple of months ago when the items returned :joy:

Straight trash would be an improvement over whatever hot garbage these several months of trading post have been…


Meanwhile awesome things like this have been in the game’s files for 2 years, with an intended trading post deployment, and they’re nowhere to be found.

These are goth and Cosmetic, so all Classes can wear them.