Trading Post

Finger/toenail paint options for them elf G.I.R.L.s

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Not at all. I think we need to see more Orcs in skirts.


Only if they are bearded so we can normalize the abnormal.


Oh look, someone with 1 post to their name. This is the one and only time you’ve decide chime in on the forums huh? mmhmm… ok… well,

There is nothing this month that holds my interest but that in no way means it is trash.

:thread: :mute: :no_bell:

The blood-and-thunder stuff is in the rest of the game, available year-round.

As it should be.

The blood-and-thunder stuff should NOT be on a vendor for 4 weeks and then disappear.

And you people are crazy for asking otherwise.


The best blood-and-thunder female mog in the game is the blood troll set. Which came from the TP.

personally I’m glad they’re finally adding manly butterfly stuff instead of all the girly skulls/spikes


I’m pretty sure the aesthetic has something to do with Spring coming.

There is always a frilly upcoming season, holiday, or social engineering event to reference for the TP being bad.


It’s really not surprising that its butterflies and pastel colored items - it’s literal Easter imagery.

Easter is next month.

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I keep thinking back to the manga Buso Renkin.

For the unaware, Buso Renkin is about a dude with a giant lance… who teams up with a gal with a multi-sworded skirt… to fight a guy who’s practically naked and wears a butterfly mask.

The unaware don’t care.

Did you know that Easter can also fall in March? Also, what month does Spring occur? I just realized you’re the same user that argues in bad faith on other posts - very on brand.

can’t lie, that sounds manly as heck


That’s a reading comprehension issue, then. I’m glad that the punch skull crush people have stuff. I also occasionally buy and use the punch skull crush stuff for some of my alts! I just think it’s pointless and silly to complain about monthly themes that aren’t of your preference. I don’t when my preferences aren’t up.



Yeah bro. Manga with guys in gimp suits is super cool. Everyone wants that and if they don’t they are just unaware.

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Also your condescending attitude, and sarcasm. Not all sarcasm is funny.