Trading Post?

So where is the Trading post suppose to open up you said Feb 1st and its Feb 1st in CA right now…so where are the items?


I have to admit I assumed it would be a midnight thing too, but I guess they never actually said what time on Feb 1st it would open.


I know when the new Dark Moon Isle went live we were able to in when it was midnite in CA…I stayed up as I live in FL EST zone…and sure enough it opened up and we had a blast for few hours before the masses showed up.


its because the westcoast isnt allowed to have that cosmetic power imbalance, got to make sure everyone gets a shot at it or the race to world first sparkle kitty is inbalanced =/


Hence my comment on the forum thread of the trading post itself –

Yeah, another mass of players @ Trading post on my server right now left confused - Some having arguments with other players about what time it’s meant to be coming. lol


The way it was wrote by Blizzard it would go Live Feb 1st well its Feb 1st in CA and they normally go by their hours in CA for most things.

if they wait until 7am like with normal daily quest resets i guess that gives us until 7am on March 1st to get the last min % of the fill bar done, so the delay might be a good thing if you have a really busy month

3am actually, that or 6am for blizzards wake up time

Them placing a day but not setting a specific time was an unwise decision to be honest.


They sure didn’t do that when the New Dark Moon isle opened up I was on the isle at 3 am EST fishing and having fun…

You should of put in PST on those times…you’ll get lot of folks confused by time zones LOL.

It’s been the first here for about 19 hours still not here :joy:

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Very much so we know how this player base is now…I mean look at me questioning why its not open yet…LOL…but really they should of put a time in there.

ahhhh are you AU realm?

Yeeee correct

Being a US Navy Sailor and living in many many different time zones its kind of easy to remember certain ones lol…my mom hated when I called her when I was living in Japan…waking her up and all…lol

People on this server are saying it will happen on reset.

Yeah getting that feeling now how dare they make me wait though…I want my new toys and pets…LOL…

{Clears throat}

"Aw gee … Getting a Blizzard / Blue / GM poster to give us some insight would really be nice right now! :eyes: "

i just really want my fire flail and sparkle kitty, the other stuff is nice too…but kitty changes colors and the flail…its a flail