Trading post this month is awful. Why ruin the game?

Why do you care? Your last post was a rage post about “devs making your choice easy to permanently unsubscribe”

You’re quitting so why do you care about fun swimming suits? Doors that way. Follow through or stop crying… You seem to just make drama or complaints posts that are quite nitpicky…

Is this you’re entire style of posting? Bait and complain, threaten to quit but never do so?

Are you the diet Ragemode?


If you don’t want them then don’t buy them, but don’t act like you should be the one to tell others what they should or shouldn’t have. The Goblin Sled looks good though, as does the water gun. My one question here is can we buy trading post tokens? There are several things from that I’d like but nowhere near the credits.

I’ll take the TP in retail over any lame spinoff any day, as long as they’re actually working hard on TWW.

Didn’t you “permanently unsubscribe” OP?

Not having enough Trading Post Tenders is what’s ruining the Trading Post.

Because everything has a beach episode.

its almost like blizzard is a NORTHERN HEMISPHERE BASED COMPANY. shocking!

Carrot on a stick trinket…

To be frank id find it equally ridiculous if they were dressed in a Level 1 farmers mog.

Yeah the old vanilla game where we could use rusty spoons as daggers and dead fish as maces :roll_eyes:. I’m starting to think you have a bad memory or never played the game back then.

Okay boomer.


I mean, IT IS out of place, but who care at this point? as long it keps entirelly optional and a just a transmog shenanigan is fine.

I would preffer if they went a little less on board in this stuff, something minor, it feels a bit slippery slope, but it usially go off the charts too fast

Like in the begining, Dota 2 cosmetic items for heroes were minor, most of then fit the hero thematic, and there was always a care to not do too much, not stuff like, a blue costume/full armor for a hero who use red costume/full armor; They even removed a set with a cowboy bear.

Now? literally chaos, you can go into a game and not even recgonize who you are playing with/against, they went above and beyond. Which i hope it doesn’t happens here, and this stay as a side thing with little effort/time.

Fortnite ruined the gaming industry as a whole. It’s been nothing but downhill and heavily monetized “Battlepasses and skins” since that brain rotting crime against humanity came out. It was essentially the apple that should have never been bitten into regarding gaming.


are you hating on my floatie?

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I mean. The ship sailed eons ago with the yeti onesie and you’re just yelling at an empty sea now.

Anyone else get Final Fantasy X vibes off the bikini? Pair it with one of Chen’s hats from Remix and you’ll look like you’re an extra NPC from a village in Spira.

Been humming the hymn of the fayth all day.

Only thing I bought is the fiery sword and shield. Every thing else is cross dressing garbage, as per usual

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You’re wearing the Sailor Moon costume.


All blizz need to do is have a setting that lets people turn off transmog on there client side, easy fix or just add a toy. We already have a ton of toys that change appearance of other players only on your client side like the dog goggles.

Im digging the beach stuff imo not super out of place. Im sure in WOW people have beach clothing.

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Agreed. I doubt people would show up to the beach or go fishing in full armor. That just seems goofy.

It’s a Clown show