Trading post tender sink needed, suggestions?

over 13k tendies here, no i’m not going to spend them on silly transmogs and mount recolors. we should be given some seriously expensive tender sinks ever once in a while, and make it cool enough to be worth spending like 10k on. an example could be mimiron’s head or the snowball blizzard bear. what would you fellow tendy whales be willing to drop 5 figures on if it appeared in the trading post?

So they release a new, really expensive item, like Mim’s Head, which 90% of everyone doesn’t have enough tender for and you expect the playerbase to not melt down?



hey the 90% who don’t save their tendies could always freeze it and save up if they really want

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90% who don’t save their tender are spending them, cause they actually like the trading post items. :man_shrugging:


I have 75. Use them.


I would be okay with mega items but probably not THAT expensive.

A cash sink is the last thing the trade post needs; I routinely spend the majority of my tendies on mounts and transmogs and lord knows those mounts put a sizable dent into it.

If anything I’d want to see the monthly cap increased.


Big item only if we also get a second freeze slot so it permanently stays there until heat death.


I think some things on TP are already overpriced. I never have enough tenders to get everything I want as it is so I most definitely do not want to see some super expensive item on the TP.

They need to let us get more tenders each month, the 1k is ridiculously low for most players, especially ones who are collectors.


That is not the way modern gaming works, hate to tell you.

I presume this is a troll bait thread, tho.

I vote no because I don’t want to see the eruption.


Way they said it is they don’t players to engage in content they don’t like. Ain’t no way I’m doing PVP just to get couple more tenders and many players would definitely complain about it.

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so you guys are telling me you would be mad if a 1% drop mount like mimiron’s head hit the trading post for a larger chunk of tenders, and that it would be a bad thing because some people who don’t save up couldn’t afford it then and there?

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The thought never entered my head, so I have no idea.

Sitting on 11490 atm and I took a 6 month break.

Trading post is what it is, I either like something or I don’t. 2 things I really wanted were after the fact while I was taking a break.


Then the Trading Post isn’t for you. Also: not all mounts are recolors.


I’m sitting on 12k tender right now because i really haven’t been impressed with most of the items so far.

However I don’t think putting a super costly item out would be a good idea because it would probably frustrate a lot of folks who do use their tender every month.

I think the highest cost any item should be would be equal to the total tender available to earn in a given month. That way if folks really want it they can save up that month and have enough.


I have an even bigger unpopular opinion. Give us tenders for achievements. Actually encourage people to play all the facets of the game and retroactively rewards people who have been here a long time and doing the things as they’ve been relevant.

Also put ALL of the removed content on the vendors but especially the TCG stuff.


OP, it’s not our fault you’re not spending your tender.


If it was like the Gold Saucer, where you could keep earning MGP as much as you want, and the items for sale never went away, I’d understand big costs like that, but with the monthly cap, and the fact that everything rotates every month…

Yeah you’re right, people would riot


Let me try to understand this.

You’ve been hoarding tenders instead of spending them on the monthly tender sinks and now want a special treat only for people that have been hoarding them?


Yep. Because apparently transmog is silly and all mounts are recolors. :upside_down_face: