Trading Post

Wow has never been gritty and dark though, that’s Diablo dude.

It’s always been overflowing with female Blood Elf toons and tree huggers.

I don’t care for the butterfly stuff either, but some folks do, and you better brace yourself for Easter, all I’m saying.



I will partially agree with you here but this month for myself is the first time I’ve commented on the Trader’s post simply because of the shift of design since October. The difference here is that the trader’s post is like christmas for some people every month because it’s something you’ve earned for free.

I see people commenting “Go to Undermine and get your spiky fix” that’s just quite not what some people really want nor really credits the argument. If you go 3 months on end saving up tender because if you put yourself in someone else’s shoes, it’s been promoted towards seasonal/holiday themed stuff you’d be quite underwhelmed by the options.

Especially, if you like the artstyles of previous sets or epic Hero related stuff you’ve seen in prior trader’s post items. People aren’t ungrateful they just want to spend their tender on the items they’d enjoy too. The post has been dominated by this stuff for a while and when it’s consecutive they go to the forums like myself questioned.


How dare blizzard not cater to my specific tastes in aesthetics 100% of the time! They should realize no one matter except me.


Can we talk about how its entirely optional, cosmetic only, and essentially free?


I wish the track rewards were optional. Kind of my biggest beef with the system is absolutely having to loot things I’ll never use in order to get the one thing every three months that I do want.

I just want fairness, and I am all for it. 50/50 to please everyone. The ratio is off, and I think everyone could agree.


your mog is sick btw bro

We can only hope :heart_eyes::

Like, many expansions have spikey death armor

Spikey death armor is readily available from many sources

Butterfly shoulders and wings are available from no source but this

Somehow this is offensive to many


It doesn’t offend me at all. I’ll be honest I just would like a world where here’s your cute stuff and here’s the war related stuff so everyone’s happy.

Like the many many sources of war armor we have?

For years it been, here’s your war armor

Now we get some cute armor and its a problem


It’s only an issue for people that save tender wanting stuff of their choice and I respect their choices. It something doesn’t fit your personality it’s not wrong to say. Opinions are opinions.

I mean it’s been years of cutesy stuff from the TP as well. When is the due paid?

I want to know when I can stop paying my “good mog” reparations to the “barbie doll” crowd.

It’s like saying “does this outfit work for me”. Could be a yes or could be a no. So, you don’t purchase, or you purchase it. It’s all about what fits you.

Congrats, broskis, you can also go out right now and obtain these appearances that are in the game currently:

Much skull, many spike. Go for it and enjoy!


The opinion is complaining that not everything is catered to the skull edge flame war group

Meanwhile the vast majority of the gear can fall into that category, but since tp has gear that isn’t that they feel the need to complain endlessly that they are catered to for once


This argument respectfully isn’t the same. Trader’s Post is easier to obtain especially if you aren’t a Mythic raider for recolors you want.

The Rogue set looks like garbo :frowning_face:.

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So, so bad.

Whole tier list is C tier this season though imo. Better than the D’s we had in S1 though.

What if I want to look pretty and also kill things?

There’s no shortage of spiky bloody skull armor ingame already