Sorry its outlawed, you’re only allowed to use TP gear now
I’m digging the coat, at least. STILL. Much skull.
I bought my freeze item, and the hoods, and left. Easy way to save tendies.
No, we can’t because it has not been trash for two months in a row.
The quality has been good, nothing flat or poorly pixelated or rendered.
The appearance of the items are okay. Some are a little plain but still good.
I feel like you don’t understand the difference between quality and appearance.
And really don’t understand the difference between reality and personal taste.
Good for you!
I wasn’t complaining? It was a respectful opinion on wanting a better ratio. I think you mistaken what I had said. You telling me I was complaining wasn’t really the creditable way to aggressively try to label me. Everyone has feedback and this is a page where you can say your peace.
So we are back to the “I just want things handed to me for free” argument. I mean, I like free stuff and I’m super glad that the stuff that I personally like is easy to get, but traditionally the kind of people who want more blood crush skull in the game also traditionally feel like rewards need to be eaaaarned, because bootstraps.
OP and others are making the complaint, hence why I said “the complaint” not “your complaint”
The thing is, previously (aside from the night fae, and in some instances night elf) there were no places really to get fantasy stuff like this.
In a game where the general theme for tmog is loosely battle-warlord/knight/medievalesque/and here and there expansion wide themes such as pandaria/ and themes from different races like goblins, trolls, etc, It’s nice to have another avenue that’s optional and has a different aesthetic.
There are plenty of other styles of tmog, mounts, pets in the game and I don’t think it’s flat out wrong to have some stuff that completely deviates from everything else we have. We have had a few fairy/valentines months, but we’ve also had pirate, Halloween, lunar festival, class sets etc. Funny how the fairy and valentines stuff gets complained about more hmm.
The Trading Post is essentially free. So everyone that makes use of it wants that.
No idea why you keep going back to this argument lol. It’s literally the trading post.
They need to make the butterfly back transmogs bigger. 8x bigger. then they will be worthwhile to obtain.
They are kinda weirdly small unless you’re like a gnome/goblin
Nope! 'Cause it’s not. Don’t like the login rewards system? Don’t participate in it.
Deargodinheaven, no. The quality is fantastic. Have you seen the way the opalescent sword changes color?? They did a fantastic job.
they restored OPs post…
Ugh. Sometimes the mods and I def don’t agree with each other. There are MANY threads on this already. Many. Many many.
Either that or they hit the wrong button.
grumbles (and not in the cookie way)
Yeah I feel that, everyone deserves to say their opinions especially if it’s only about the game.
I’m more interested in learning if there’s an OceanMiddle.
glad you’re not ever going to be a mod, then.
i’ll take their judgement over yours
Right but do we need dozens of the same threads or can they join the ongoing discussions about the trading post that already exist? I mean recent threads, not telling someone to dredge up old stuff.
Yes, be very glad. I would not want that job for anything. They are far more lenient than I would ever be.
Cash your tendies come on.