Trading Post - Known Issues and Updates

You didn’t list my daily currency glitch. I can’t get my daily currency so I’m screwed bro

My progress doesn’t seem to be resetting…but I did receive 76K gold off the auction house the other day and my progress hasn’t changed for that particular Trading Post “quest” yet. Hopefully this will get resolved soon.

Still haven’t recieved the Ash’adar mount. Although, to be fair I’m not sure if I’d finished it at the time this thread was started. It has been at least a week though.

So I have the mount, have NOT spend any tenders, and am still bugged at only having 1500 tenders and nothing else I can loot.
Am I going to get my 500 tenders or am I SOL here? :frowning: I’m specifically not spending the tenders in case it just makes it harder to fix but I really want to get the pet and glams and we have all been pretty patient here and there has been no updates or word on whats going on…

Missing tenders from the Darkmoon Faire and Valentine’s event (in case anyone is thinking these glitches are “fixed”)