I have submitted a ticket in-game (Ticket Number: US96535342) to get this Crimson Glimmerfur mount refunded. It didn’t say whether the mount was a flying or non-flying mount, so I purchased it in the hopes it was but it is not. I would have purchased the Candy Cane weapon rather than this mount. I would like my purchase refunded so I can buy the Candy Cane weapon (or just swap them out for me if you can, which ever is easier for the Support Team in the end).
So go back to the Trading Post and refund it. You have up to 2 hours from purchase.
After that I’m afraid the sales are final.
Sorry to pop your bubble, but the GMs would be unable to help in this case.
You’re able to refund the mount yourself, if you’re within the timeframe. If you’re not, there isn’t anything a GM can do for you. If you have the mount selected on the trading post UI, if it’s still refundable, it’ll give you that icon next to it rather than the cost.
Last minute, I know but…if you’re unable to refund it to get the item you want, you can probably freeze that item and grab it next month. Good luck!
So to everyone saying, “Refund it at the Trading Post” and so forth, I purchased it, got on the mount, tried to fly it, it didn’t. Went back to the Trading Post - no option to Refund was there. When I searched this up, I was told to post it on here, thus my post.
Botom line posting here wont get it refunded if its outside teh trade window A GM wont intervene its a tough lesson to lear to becareful of what u purchase but we all make those mistakes.
I’m not sure where you would have seen that directly, but everything that was stated above stands true.
Just like when purchasing things from a vendor, there is a 2 hour return window. Once that window has passed, there isn’t anything anyone can do. Posting here, unfortunately, doesn’t really do anything. We can tell you how things are supposed to work, but no data or feedback is accepted from this forum due to it’s unique format. Absolutely no staff comes here because it’s a forum for players to assist other players. Our SFAs are the exception, but they are not GMs or Devs.
Now, if it was under 2 hours from the time of purchase to the time of you looking to refund the item? That, you would need to report as a bug on the Bug Reports forum. I don’t know if by mounting up, it treats the item like a piece of armor one has equipped - it may be that it removes that countdown.
In the future, if you’re not sure? It’s always smart to check out Wowhead.com. Most of the mounts that can fly have different text attributed to them than ground mounts.
Sorry for the confusion, Achievemend. I am not certain what may have referred you to this forum, outside of just a general inquiry.
The refund options for the Trading Post are limited, so if they are no longer available, I’m afraid there isn’t anything that our Support staff can do to assist with that.
If you’d like to see changes to the refund options though, I’d recommend submitting your feedback to our Game Developers.