Trading post content are terrible

this reminds me of the mace wielded by the captain of the nazgul in lotr


HEY ION…about that loot-a-rang crap…lol

So you don’t like any of this stuff so it sucks.

Meanwhile, other people are happily wearing their capes and riding their new mount and carrying their flowers. They are happy.

So which is it? Does it suck, or maybe is it just YOU don’t like what is there this time and can save up for something down the road?

Stop whining.


I like Battle Pets, so I’m going to get the Ogre. The fiery flail matches several of my Shaman’s preferred transmog sets, so I’ll probably get that. The wrist bouquet looks cute, so I’ll probably get that too. I might also get the the frost dagger for my Mage transmogs. See where I’m going with this?

There also happens to be a neat mount reward this month for completing objectives for things I would have already been doing.

Free stuff is free stuff. I don’t have to use any of it.

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You all understand this is .0.5 content right? this is not meant to be major content, in fact this is a lot more content we get in a .0.5 patch then we normally get.

Im not defending anything im just trying to put this into context of what we normally get for this patch.

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the solid pink cloaks almost look like silk. they shimmer

the ogre is a vanity pet. dont think he battles.

There is one for everything that’s put in the game. No matter what.

He’s a battle pet, I just checked.

Comes with Punch, Stoneskin, Deflection, Face Punch, Takedown and Clobber.


Are we becoming the new Star Wars fan base where WoW players just hate everything WoW?


I remember when I was a wee lad and everything I wasnt into “sucked” too.

I cackled at this.

AHH THIS TOO! We agree to this when we accept the ToS, people! If you don’t like it, find something else!

Yes. Yes we are. This is the whiniest bunch of ingrates ever.

I get hating the lag, the lack of polish, the endless rebalancing, the maintenance.



These are freebies for showing up. It’s not going to be knock-your-socks-off amazing, it just isn’t.

For what it is, it’s OK. I’d be annoyed if it were something I’d paid extra for, but since I didn’t … shrug


I’m confused as to what your complaint here is. The rewards from the Trading Post ARE rewards for playing. You don’t have to pay extra for the Trading Post, it’s just some extra goodies that you can pick up just by playing the game the way you normally would. No matter your play style, you don’t exactly have to go out of your way to max out the currency bar every month. Once you do, it’s literally just free rewards.


No those rewards are bloat to keep you hooked on pixels you can get every month and floating time played metric.

Imagine them putting content in the game that was both fun and rewarding, not just putting sprinkles on old boring content we’ve done since 2007.

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I agree. Look at us. Just two satisfied customers, I tell ya hwat.

Honestly I thought you was quitting not to long ago, what made you stay?

Was it the promise of the TP?

Blizzard increasing character slots made me stay.

I was full-up before, and now I can level alts again.

That’s really the only reason I stayed, but that was my big ultimatum. “Increase character slots or bring back archaeology.”

I’m also mostly pleased with DF’s fishing system.

this has been true since vanilla. i kept trudging thru 60 levels of rather difficult content so i could get the netherwind set for my mage and the judgement set for my pally and the epic purple bracers on the warsong gulch quartermaster. and fish so i could make potions that would turn me into a bandit/pirate/etc. this is not new.