Trading post content are terrible

I don’t think you know what that term means.

Make small and unnecessary distinctions.

Saying ‘this didn’t cost me anything to get this feature’ is not a small and unnecessary distinction. So there’s that.


Me: “It does give you content to do, in form of mini-meta challenges that once completed, you can get rewarded with points to use that to buy rewards from TP.”

I honestly hope you’re just clowning with me on this one, because if that… oof. This would just come across as preeeeetttty funny if your serious here.

If the problem here was that i said or implied that “it is perfect and everybody who disagrees is wrong”, then i can see where this “you’re wrong” thing comes from. But you’re applying this to me saying “I don’t know why” when i really genuinely don’t know why. I’ve asked people about this and asked why people think they do and… well, i got either no answer, or have some nutcase just go off about my character as if it’s relevant at all, for some bizarre reason. People are strange.

Also, “Correct party”?.. yea, this isn’t the same energy that politics use.
Sure, let’s turn every single discussion about a VIDEO GAME FEATURE into what politics is where people boil things down to a simple good and evil. Blegh. :roll_eyes: /s

I’ve made a thread not too long about about my opinion of TP, and along with the praises, i’ve given it a few criticisms and what can it improve upon. As well explaining how this sort of feature in particular, isn’t new to video games. Let alone it’s not always monetized as some people like to say this one is going to be.

I’m saying you don’t know what you’re talking about.

But the feature doesn’t. The feature itself is Free. Nobody, has to pay for it to get it.

And again, this is just you nitpicking over the word “Free” and trying to loosely associate that with paying a sub here which, even going with this argument TP isn’t even like 0.01% of the content of the content you get with the sub. This on here argument holds no water.

What am i even losing anyways? Subjective value? The Cost is still the same. What am i losing? That $0.075 cents of that subjective value?.. That precious, precious 7 cents? In a game that has like almost 20 years of content that more then makes up for that? Especially in the new content it’s in?..

…What, do you consider getting one mount for paying $150 for 6 months free? Or consider something like paying gold to get WoW tokens (despite the fact somebody has to buy them and sell them and they aren’t limited) free?..

Yeah, on second thought, tell me you don’t know what the word “free” means, without telling me you don’t know what the word “free” means.

Oh wait.

And yours is full of it. :stuck_out_tongue: /j

Maybe don’t tell me this next time, and i would think better of your opinions. Because some opinions… aren’t that good. :point_down:

Except without getting into silly bid wars with people and actually getting stuff you want by playing the game and not wasting your entire gold savings or breaking out your wallet.

I can say the very much the same thing for Dragonflying.

“Oh all this downtime for what? an expansion of this feature of those Jade serpent races and a WQ where you swat bugs on a windshield?..”

So what?.. HOTS is a pretty good looking game and most of the stuff it has Warcraft related wouldn’t look out of place in WoW really.

Uh oh, Bari went over the twitter limit again. You know what that means?..

/Puts a copper coin on the spot where it says “They will tell me they can’t read it due to length”. :coin: :slot_machine:

I had to. :tired_face:

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