I want to know how to earn more Trader’s Tender, because I have 200 of this currency, and I see more than 1000 currency worth of items on the trading post (including but not limited to the Pterodax mount). I have completed some of the added things after earning the 1000 for the month, but nothing in the treasure chest. Are we not going to be allowed to buy everything? I want that bird, and that pet, and the suit, and those other things… and one frozen pet I still havent had enough Tender to buy it.
i think we should at least be allowed 500 more tender if we go past the monthly amount - it says we logged in, then did the required stuff, and then decided to stay around to do a bit more.
If you scroll all the way to the bottom you should see a second called ‘returned items’… Like the vagabond cloak and some other things. They’ve already been through the store once already and all items will continue to cycle in such a fashion.
I hope so. I take 6 months off due to finances and I come back to seeing two mounts in the traders post. 1000 tender per month, and the two mounts go over that amount. I was hoping earning more of the objectives would earn me more tender, but disappointed when I saw no new tender after completing a few of those tasks past the monthly 1k reward.
Thank you. I’m a completionist, so it bugs me whenever I cant get everything in a game, and I want every mount and every pet, and I have to grit my teeth when something is PVP-only (I avoid PVP), or a mount retires. I’m used to playing Animal Crossing, Ark Survival Evolved, and numerous other games that dont have a system remotely similar to the Trading Post. I like the pretty shinies! Loathe limited-time items.
What other games? I’m curious.
Info share: I’ve known daily login reward games, but in those, I get all the rewards, there is no “cycle” of things, nor buying things with login-specific currency. Vaguely I think the closest I seen is Star Wars Old Republic, but I havent played in years, and I avoided looking at the Cartel Market as I would be slightly angered when I cant have all the pretties. It feels very odd and wrong that I cant get all the WoW mounts or pets. I havent had enough Tender to get most of the WoW clothings either, and I want some of those too. (Old gamer here, Joust was my favorite on the Atari when I was a teen).
Torment of a completionist I guess… I still am bitter I only got two of the five Voltron lions in the 1980’s. Oh well.
I would love if you got them after the monthly bonus when you complete objectives, like every 500 points gives you a couple hundred or something.
Two birds with one stone, like over half of that thing is useless because it doesn’t take much to get that 1000. Would like at least something after it.
One game I know of with a log in reward is Elder Scrolls Online. If you are on a sub, you will get a reward for logging on every day (unless they changed it since I was last on). ESO also has an event system very similar to the Trading Post, where you have a list of activities of various types which offer rewards if completed. I suspect its nothing revolutionary or new in the gaming system.
My issue is that the costs have gone up at the same time the bonus for completing the yearly and from buying the new expansion.
I know your not supposed to get everything, but it’s frustrating at the same time. I definitely don’t want to see it in the shop.
Perhaps reward additional tender for each extra activity you complete in the log. An extra hundred or so depending on the difficulty of the activity.
If all people were reasonable, I’d be in favor of this without question.
However, you know as well as I do that as soon as you can spend real money > WoW gold > Trader’s Tender ‘directly’ (even worse, through gambling), those who are paranoid about P2W and people who complain about ‘needing’ to do things will set up a giant fireworks store next to the spark factory.
“I need to buy three tokens a month to get all the Trading Post items, this is ridiculous”
“Blizz lied, they said you can’t buy tenders” (reasonable, tbh)
“Blizzard encourages gambling, SHUT THEM DOWN” (these people almost have a point, but they lose sight of it too quickly)
or, my personal favorite, “Being able to buy tenders for gold makes this game p2w because I can buy tokens for gold and don’t have to play the game to buy everything on the trading post, i’m going to quit forever for the third time this year”