Trader's Tender Jan 2025

Greetings, I’m posting this due simply to the fact that submitting this bug is completed in an area that clearly says the user will not receive a response. It may do absolutely nothing, but I hope, someone can push this and have my issued resolved.

On 1/2/2025, I attempted to purchase transmog item’s from this month’s trading post in-game. I clicked purchase, and a message appeared that essentially said that the purchase was processing. The next day, my amount of tokens had been deducted and I never received the items. I checked the trading post and confirmed that the items were still unpurchased.

It isn’t a game breaking issue, but it does mean a great deal to me. I have limited play time and I used my time to acquire the coins needed to participate in this function of the game…

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Unfortunately thats not gona happen here and submitting a bug is the only thing u can do You wont recieve a response to a bug report unless they need more info.


Go on your account > transaction history > virtual wallet > world of warcraft

copy/paste what you see


I submitted a bug report. That type of customer service is absolutely a slap in the face regardless. It’s a quality of care issue at this point.
I lost out: Time, effort, coins, and transmogs. Due to this issue and the timing of it, I won’t be able to go farm or acquire more coins to get the items.

Go on your account > transaction history > virtual wallet > world of warcraft

It’s a ledger. What are the last transactions you see?


That is not how Customer Support works. The team responsible for all bug reports are the QA team, and they have to try and replicate the issue before they can pass the bug along to the development to fix. That is how it works. Customer Support has no involvement with bug reports, nor will push for bug reports to be looked at any quicker. If you encounter a bug, only thing you can do, is report that bug. With that being said:

What does it show under your account transaction history:

Is it possible that you might of purchased the wrong item with your tenders?


It just shows my Trader Tender balance, as it is in game. (625) coins shorter than what it was the day I tried to purchase the items. No further information.

Click on “World of Warcraft”. You’ll see a ledger.

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If you click on the link shown within the red box in this screenshot

It’ll show you all the information.


Correct, it shows the items I purchased earlier in the day. However, that same day I had a little over 700 left, and made a second round of purchases where I received the error message that it was taking more time than expected and was processing in the background (something along those lines). There’s no history in that tab of the second purchase and i’m the missing the exact amount of the two items.

That’s the issue in it’s totality.

(additional info): While I was waiting to receive the items, I had a buddy on discord go buy something from the trading post and he got the same message but within about a minute, his items arrived.

Sometimes the in-game balance updates slowly or shows the wrong amount. My guess is that it had been showing the wrong amount in-game while you were making purchases and the purchase failed because the amount you saw was different than the amount you actually had or something like that. I’ve had it happen to me in the past. The link others have been posting should show you the accurate amount your account has.

It would help to know what you believe you are missing.

From what I can see you had 275 Tenders at the beginning of the month. You received 500 on 1/1 taking you to 775. You then completed the first three Adventure Journal activities adding another 300 taking you to 1075.

There is a purchase of 850 for the Ensemble: Wastewander Tracker’s Kit: 225 left.
Ensemble: Prowler’s Carrot Headgear for 100: 125 left.
Prowler’s Carrot Shoulder Cape for 75: 50 left.
Adding 100 from the fourth Adventure Journal activity: 150 total now.

Does that not line up? I can see all of those items in your collection. Are you missing any of the items I listed from your point of view?