Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur $90.00 Ripoff!

actually, son…ya did just that.

the price is clear…what the product does is clear…the purchase of the item is OPTIONAL…so your ‘business practice’ thats CLEARLY IMPLYING that blizzard is somehow crooked and cheating their customers is far enough off base to start concluding some sort of perception problems with the complainers here.

And we’re allowed to have the opinion that it’s still a terrible business practice. Millions of people still pre-order new games when pre-order bonuses are a proven terrible business practice. Same with lootboxes. “People will buy it” really isn’t a good argument against overpriced digital goods being predatory.

Which is funny considering I’m being call deranged for posting 4 comments on it in the span of 23 days.

Keep typing Lio. You’re ignored and you’re not getting any further engagement from me.

I never said anything about them only posting here. Not sure where you pulled that from.

But a quick scroll-through of their recent post history suggests that this thread (and other threads like it) have primarily dominated their posting activity on the forums for a solid three weeks now.

I saw TONS of them parked in Orgimmar, SW and other capitals around the game the first 3 - 5 days.
Id love to see how many were sold and what percent of the entire base bought one.
Betting a huge number bought them after all the complaining about the last Bruto being taken off the vendor and so hard to get anymore.

I think the issue that amuses me is their entitled attitude about it…as if they are OWED the mount for simply paying a sub every month, which a list of them have actually SAID in here verbatim. lol.

that game store where those who do have money can blow it on a mount or whatever is likely keeping profits up high enough that they dont see any need to HAVE to raise that monthly sub price…a detail that the complainers seem to be overlooking, either from ignorance or intentionally.

I dont care if they complain.
What makes me laugh is when they complain and then exaggerate or tell flat out lies and one of us corrects them…then they start checking post counts and foaming about our having no life and even lowering themselves to suggesting we self harm with a rope over a video game.

and what REALLY is telling about that side is WHEN that chap told me to self harm with a rope, I believe only ONE of them ‘kinda’ got on him about that.

If they werent so baised minded they should have ALL went off on this guy.
But you know…his post NEVER even showed that it had been reported like when its hidden from flags.

Evidently if your on that side of this issue its ok to tell someone on the other side to self harm and they wont even report it becaues theyre ok with it.

And they cant even claim ignorance because it was up for more than 24 hours and they were posting all around it and I quoted it like 8 times and they still said nothing lol

disgusting behavior over a video game

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You do know that Blizzard sent out a questionnaire to many people about if they wanted pre-order package deals and what they would pay for them and included in them. The feed back is what they based their pre-order packages on in many of their games now. Its also something that many game companies are doing and will keep doing.

A person doesn’t have to or need to pay the highest level of a package to get the game, its 100% choice. They can fully op out of spending $80 to $100 + dollars for all the bells and whistles offered.

Its actually a good practice to give people choices in how to spend their money and for companies to earn or gain that money. Its how its been done forever in the world of corporate America. Its called capitalism.

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How else will microsoft get their money back :laughing:


lmao…‘normal’ doesnt even care about post counts son.
I cant remember a single time in how many years of posting here where Ive worried myself about how many posts someone has in a thread L M A O.

The only time its a thing is IF I see a low post alt coming directly at me out of nowhere and its OBVIOUS someone swapped alts to get around an ignore.

speaking of three solid weeks now…here YOU still are…lmao

Thanks for an enlightening reply to a post I made 23 days ago?

Sorry for not being glued to this thread for 23 days.

Considering my last post in it was 3 weeks ago, I’d say that’s something we have in common.

But, I guess it was just that important to you.

I initially bought the lowest package for a couple expansions and have upgraded differernt accounts depending on what I wanted afterward.

10,000% agree.
and IF it were mandatory costs you just know theyd all be screeching 1000X louder in here. lol.

its nice to have OPTIONAL crap to purchase if I choose to.

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Three solid weeks? My guy, my first post since September was on November 11th, six days ago. What drugs are you taking to hallucinate this idea that I’ve been chronically whining for three weeks now?

LMAO…were you FORCED to buy the loot boxes?
Do you realize how ENTITLED you sound complaining about something not being HANDED to you free or for YOUR chosen price range? lmao.
Do you go into stores throwing crap on the floor demanding lower prices there too? lol

They subjectively decided on the highest price they could ask for the Bruto and still get good sales numbers.
They were spot on target between 70-90 if you ask me…and clearly they were RIGHT, son…because Ive seen TONS of the new Bruto all over the game :+1: :+1:

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Its not predatory in the least bit. Its how life has been ever since there was supply and demand. Its how the world goes around. If its physical or digital, the value is in the eyes of the beholder. There is clearly a market for it and people want it and value paying the price given it.

The option is clear either pay the price and have it, or op out and not pay that price and live without it. One side or the other really doesn’t effect each other and how the world spins. And no one holds the right to tell one side or the other how to spend their money on or not on. Based on their own opinion.

This stuff of people stating they feel the way you do about it, and thus anyone who paid for it should feel ashamed or took for a fool is childish far more than Blizzard putting something on the store anything for a lot of cash is being greedy or predatory.

You don’t value something in a store then just don’t buy it. Its as simple as all that.

Overcharging is, in fact, part of the definition of a predatory business practice. End of story. I won’t be moved on the objective truth and this will be the last I engage on this topic. But I appreciate you remaining respectful unlike the others yapping into the void at me.

There are also people who spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on P2W games, so I guess we should be encouraging Blizzard to do the same since the market’s there lmao

i dont think they even know how to use that word in this context of a HOBBY that is DESIGNED to blow time and money on in the first place.

Calling it predatory cheapens the entire concept, which Im quite sure theyre all oblivious to that concept as well. Not a lot of collective processing power in here if you ask me.

its a HOBBY…they exist to spend DISPOSABLE income on lmao.
Calling it predatory is a literal admissiont that one is broke and cant get 90 bucks up to buy on.

THANKFULLY Blizzard has the gold for token system so they DO have the option of “earning it in game” …even if theyd prefer to keep whining about 90 bucks instead of doing just that.

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IF this game were pay to win…son…THEN youd have a point to make
Since it aint…you dont.

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I think that you think the point I was making was that WoW was pay to win, when I never even suggested it lol

I’d try to explain to what my point was, but I’m 99% certain it would be obfuscated and misunderstood because you can’t seem to follow basic arguments lmao

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