Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur $90.00 Ripoff!

Thats the hilarity of this discussion. lol.
This is 90 bucks. It costs more to go out to dinner a single time than this mount is. lol.

ONE night out ONE evening is more than this mount that offers total convenience if you use the AH / mailbox much and yet no one is tossing fits at Red Lobster for charing over 100 bucks for a couple dinners one evening lmao.

At least with this mount I can use it every single day from now till the servers are shut down.

That 100 buck meal was out into the sewage system the next day, lmao

I don’t chronically exist inside this thread, dude. I barely exist on these forums and only frequent it on occasion, so I don’t see everything that’s posted.

Obviously, that person was out of line with what they said, but their remarks don’t give you a pass to act unhinged against everyone else who didn’t. You wanna lash out at that person, go right ahead, but if you’re going to direct your ire at me when I never did or said anything to warrant it, you’re not going to get treated with the respect you think you deserve.

I also never said anything about your post count so I don’t know what exactly you think I’m obsessed about.

lmao…here you are son…nuff said.
Try harder to pretend you arent EXACTLY what you assert I am lmao.
self denial suits you well… :+1:


no…son…YOU are unhinged for actually believing that responding to you to disagree with your group is unhinged.
But your behavior in that regard is an epidemic the last 10 years or so in the USA.

projecting? lmao.
I never asked for your respect son…and I dont think Id want to lower myself to be whatever it is your sort respects. :+1:
which evidently includes someone who is entirely self deluded.

here you are…off the TOPIC of THIS THREAD railing on my POSTS, son…instead of dealing with the TOPIC here lmao…


now…get back to the topic…thx…

90 bucks for a mount no one asked or required you to buy.
yet three weeks later you all cant just admit you dont have the cash for it and walk away.

Huge difference in being terminally online that you’re in this thread every day and occasionally revisiting it momentarily every few days.

My last post in this thread was two days ago. Prior to even entering this thread, my last post on this forum was back in September. Is that your idea of being terminally online?

I think spending the last three weeks rambling about people who disagree with you and insulting them indiscriminately because a select few people in other threads insulted you is unhinged, yes.

I’ll remind you that our initial interactions in this thread consisted of me calmly explaining to you why the mount’s existence would suggest future additional amounts that have additional utility attached to them, and your response to that was to call me annoying and duplicitous.

You don’t seem to be able to comprehend that most of the contention in this thread stems squarely from you not being able to have a formal conversation, which isn’t my problem to solve for you.

No, but you clearly believe that people should afford you some amount of respect, otherwise you wouldn’t be railing for the last three weeks over people who insulted you over the mount.

Telling people to get back on topic while immediately pivoting to insults about how we’re too poor to afford the mount is definitely a move. I’m sure these sorts of comments will most certainly get this thread back on track and not upset more people.

I don’t think you’re capable of having any conversation, and it’s become exceedingly clear why you spend most of your time on these forums instead of in real life.

The player population has actively supported both since wotlk with the sparkle pony. That was 15 years ago.

Neither is going anywhere for quite some time.


no son…there isnt.
YOUR behavior…your OBSESSION with my person is FAR more concerning than somone in here reading and posting more frequently…sorry to burst your deranged bubble.

What you think is of no consequence son…YOU are here foaming OFF TOPIC at my person instead of keeping your mouth directed AT the topic itself…because CLEARLY you are OBSESSING about me in here lmao.
VERY disturbing behavior.

the mount is 90 bucks son…buy it or dont buy it.
Either way stop whining about it like a child for god sake :yawning_face:

and STOP OBSESSING about ME. lmao

I dont get their compulsive behavior over the game store.
Clearly nothing has been added to it that anyone is required to purchase.
IF there were highest end game gear on there, sure…I get it.
But its been a couple utility mounts and mostly cosmetics no one needs to buy

Selective outrage if you ask me

from here on out Im flagging your off topic thread derailing personal attacks son

Brother, I don’t even think about you beyond this thread. The moment I click away, I genuinely forget you exist until I get a notification letting me know you responded to me. You’re not that important to me, so I wouldn’t advise making assumptions since it only makes you look desperate and sad.

You want to know what’s obsession? Caring at all that people dislike the mount and are vocal about it, so much so that you spend three weeks railing about them over it. The conversation should have ended days ago, but you seem to care an inexplicable amount over what forum strangers think. That’s obsession, and a tad bit of insecurity as well.

Yeah, this is just projection again.


I’m sorry you’re this insecure about the mount. There are resources available to help you through whatever it is you’re dealing with internally to make you this disgruntled and insecure. I hope that one day you take advantage of these resources, because whatever it is you’re doing right now to cope ain’t the answer.

Peace and love :v: :v:

speaking of projection :wink:

LMAO…guys NOT OBSESSED, but compulsively hanging on my every word…stalking me around in here, talking about me to other posters because hes obsessed with me instead of sticking TO the topic, lmao

you were warned…
personal attack off topic post flagged.


Clearly there were more than enough. lol
Been seeing multiples of the mount every time I log in.
Just because you cant afford something doesnt make it a rip off. lol.
I cant afford a 3 million dollar car to drive and Im not whining about that :+1:

Joke hyperbolic rhetoric to try to make a point?
there are TONS of mounts, toys and transmogs to earn in game every expansion and you know it.
AND you had NINE WEEKS to ‘earn’ gold in game to buy this new Bruto.
you CHOOSE to complain about it instead of doing that.

There are a couple handfuls of mounts on the game store, exaggerator…how many exist in game? How many added in game every expansion?
The hyperbole doesnt help your case…you get that, right?

I hope you do notice that Lio is a normal poster on the forums in general and always has been. Its just not this topic. Trying to say they only post here and no where else is like pointing at one sheep in a herd of 1000’s and saying its the only sheep you see.

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INB4’ing a strawman shows exactly why I don’t need to engage with you.

congratulations. a pixelated dinosaur isn’t the status symbol you think it is.

one thing for certain…being upset about 90 bucks for weeks on end isnt exactly the ‘moral stand’ some in here think it is either lmao.

Bordering on some mentally deranged disorder at a point here

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nice casual ableism. you’ve got a well-deserved vacation coming your way.

i’m checking into this thread for the first time in literally over 20 days because of the amount of notifcations i got from y’all absolutely losing your mind that i DARED not to like a business practice that y’all are so ravenous for.

I must have overlooked that one. lol.
Ive posted in numerous threads every day Im here lol.
This one gets attention because they keep bumping it and…in the case of that one and Rath and some others, DIRECT their vomit in MY direction specifically instead of keeping ON TOPIC.

Rath, Breg and a handful of others…lmao…literally talking ABOUT me or TO me and then its a “ME” thing when they get the response they are clearly in here begging for. lmao.

I spose I should stop giving them the attention that Rath and Breg are so desperate for, but theyre both just so entertaining that I admit…Im having a hard time trying to NOT respond to their ridiculous obsession with my posts lol

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:yawning_face: :yawning_face: :yawning_face: :yawning_face:

you, nor anyone else here…son…are victims of the bliz machine. lmao.
You either CHOOSE to buy the item for the 90 bucks it costs…or you CHOOSE to NOT buy it.

There are no victims here.

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never claimed to be a victim but ok buddy. real reddit mod energy here.

Outside of posting a lot of their own opinion on this topic. There is nothing they have said that will earn them a vacation from the forums. If it did, they already be on it. So it doesn’t make much sense you saying they will be going on one.

The fact stands that a tremendous amount of people got and paid for the $90 AH/mail mount via either real money or Gold. I would say probably none of them care what they paid for it they are happy they got it. Speaking for myself it doesn’t bother me in the least that Blizzard puts things in the store for any price they deem worth it. Either it will sell at that price or it wont. Clearly if they keep doing it, it must sell enough to warrant that price.

People have full right to complain until the cows come home, but at the same time people have the right to say its not a big deal and they will keep paying for things they want as a response to the complaints against the practice of selling things in the store.