Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur $90.00 Ripoff!

100% agree.
some in here cant deal with the fact that others are disagreeing with them about 90 bucks being totally acceptable for a mount of this level of usefulness…and instead feel the need to insult and deride anyone who bought it.

I refuse to take this advice from any person who has hundreds upon hundreds of posts on a singular topic. Actual degenerate behavior tbh lmao

The auction house mounts I own are worthwhile purchases. The latest mount is exceptional, offering unparalleled convenience for solo players and collectors alike. While it lacks an integrated bank, I can simply mail items from anywhere in Azeroth, making it the ideal mount for my needs.

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color me surprised…needs to be told to let it go…that video game mounts arent that big a deal…and instead of relying on logic to accept that, chooses instead to keep fitting over 90 bucks no one ever insisted he spend. lol

more personal attacks…how quaint :yawning_face: :yawning_face:

Surprising. The way you act, I had you pegged as one of them.

Imo, it’s a sign of the times. I’d like to see WoW’s demographics, because imo it’s probably mostly millennials. This is why the game was restructured too, to accommodate people who work. Like 99% of us have to do. We have more money and less time. They probably threw this out as an experiment, and it will probably work, but I will always prefer rewards that are in-game rather than in the store.

did you click the chest too…just to be sure? lol

I was hoping, I cant deny it. lol

who is ‘them’ son? Your fellow americans who simply vote differently than you do?

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Reminder: discussion of real world politics is forbidden in the forums.


its ironic that your comment literally makes you exactly what you believe of them. And Im certain youre not gonna be able to figure out why.

back to the thread topic.

How so? Two of my siblings were in the top 1000 EU PVPers and yet they purchased this mount as well. How do you assess player skill and purchasing the mount? Which data did you use?

The game has to evolve with its current player base…or we all stop playing it and it dies.

I get the nostalgia, but nostalgia kills things like this if it doesnt keep in line with what the current players want.

A good example, actually, is Ion trying to return to the ‘good old days’ before flight back in WoD.
We all know how that turned out.

i JUST did. sad face

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whats in that pretty chest , precious :rofl:
dangit!..nothing :joy:
freakin blizzard…I was hoping for an easter egg surprise lol

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Lol did you forget to switch accounts? Or characters.

Anyways, i agree it has to evolve, but i still prefer if these rewards were earned in game. There’s nothing inherently wrong with that preference at all. It is not rooted in nostalgia.

Every game i play i prefer the microtransactions to be on the light side.

lol. I havent changed anything
I responded to something i said with a point that hit me afterward.
Jesus christ you all are paranoid in here lmao.

You want something of the past to remain…thats nostalgia.
Youre pretending the changes are ‘bad’ because you dont want to let go of what you know.
Thats normal…but its also not logical.

ESO reeks of them…and its just fine anyway.
I start wondering if the REAL problem with the games stores are the some have impulse control issues and are actually worried they are going to spend money they dont have or something.

when I see stuff I dont want to buy, I CHOOSE not to buy it…I dont demand that walmart not put that impulse crap at eye level or below at the check out line lol.

You dont “have” to do anything. Its an option.

you need to look up the definition of “have”


what if they increase it to $200

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