Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur $90.00 Ripoff!

There is no reason that this mount needs to be so expensive period. None!


That’s not true!
It applied a +100% happiness buff in-game.

Nice that only cost him over a 1 Million nice damn catch for him to get tokens at that price now.


he spent 1.1 he said

So you rather pay higher sub fees then I see…did you ever think those shop mounts and battle pets help keep down the cost of our sub fee…Nope you didn’t …sub fee is the same as it was back in 2004 now…20 yrs same price never gone up one bloody cent now…think about it before you run your mouth about something you don’t understand now about the game and how it works…I paid 5 Million gold for the first Long Boi…expensive…damn tooting it was but I did it…now I am about to drop another 2 million or more for the new one …that;s right I can afford to buy it with tokens and cost me nothing out of pocket in real cash.

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and put jurassic park theme in everyone’s head while doing so.


You are jumping to a false conclusion. The Bliz shop is just to increase business profit margins.


I wish they still allowed multiboxing and still had it as one mount per toon cuz then I would have bought this 36 times like I used to do in the past.

Without it the sub fee would have increased a LONG time ago. We are talking about 20 years here. You do you justify to investors/board members to not raise monthly fee? In game shop

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Sorry you are wrong. It would be the same.

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Having a mailbox anywhere is really nice though it prob should have been on the xmog bear.

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Wow that’s absolutely majectic.
Ngl is spat my water when the one guy started spinning. With the music going… I can’t :joy:

Not even close. Heck Amazon Prime started at $3.99
You must be HS kid with no clue how the real world works. I swear you are as dense as a cement wall

I love that movie…watch it over and over many times and still love it…


Im getting the Mount gifted to me. Well sort of lol my hubby is getting it :upside_down_face: I am excited!


Really Shiftydruid the only folks that should be complaining a bit are those that pay monthly sub with tokens if they buy one each month right now its going to costs them a bit more till Jan when the sale ends…but hey they can still play with cash same price of $14.99 now…when tokens first came out they helped me a bunch for my money budget at the time I had paid over 2 yrs worth of the game or so with tokens till they got too much for my taste…that is when they went over the 75K range is when I stop buying them…but I got a good two years worth of subs out of tokens when they were really cheap.

Sorry, but you’re an idiot and your argument is stupid. If you honestly don’t understand why practices like this are an issue, then there’s nothing to discuss. You will never get it.


It’s been the same price for 20 years.
You should see how much netflix used to be lol.

The store allows them to make more revenue overall, yes. But it also allows them to offset expenses so it doesn’t fall entirely on the sub. Letting is stay at $15 instead of $18 or $20 monthly. (which people would be less inclined to pay… queue the shop to get the money elsewhere w/o losing subs over price increases)

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You will never get inflation or understand that if it wasnt for the in game shop sub fees would have sky rocketed years ago. Would you prefer that?

Remember Amazon prime started at $3.99

Kids today. I swear I understood this stuff at 13. Its sad they stopped teaching economics in schools

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I do agree with your assertion. But they need to have limits. $90.00 for a virtual toy is wayyyyy tooo much! It’s similar to going to a diner and ordering a ham sandwich and being told by the cashier that it will cost you $90.00! Say What?!