They can think that until the cows come home, but at the end of the day, its not because people are buying it. Down the road there will more than likely be more items priced just as much if not more. And the world will keep on spinning. There will be those who want it and buy it and those who wont and will not.
It’s genuinely hilarious that all of you act so blasé about how others feel about the mount but have spent a disproportionate amount of time arguing against those same people for feeling as though the mount is a ripoff.
You are not obligated to spend your time here convincing us otherwise. Your purchase of the mount doesn’t necessitate telling everyone how wrong they are and how you feel like it’s worth the investment. If you think it’s worth the investment and you’re comfortable with that, then what exactly is your goal here?
No its so that anyone that reads this garbage heap of a topic can tell its just not one sided. That there is people who actually think its not a ripoff and worth the 1.2 million in gold or $90. It just seem some feel insecure about their stance its a ripoff when someone says its not and list the reasons why they feel that way.
I think people are most worried about the $90.00 price tag and its associated benefits because of what this sort of a program might incentivize Blizzard toward in the future.
Games designed around profit never stay good for long, whereas games designed around fun can last forever. That’s why Blizzard even had a “golden era” when it was first starting out.
I never said you can’t voice your opinion. I welcome the discourse, but if your only contribution to the conversation is effectively:
“You’re just poor and can’t afford the mount.”
“I don’t care if you think it’s a ripoff. I think it isn’t.”
“Just don’t buy it, then.”
Then you’re not actually voicing an opinion. You’re spewing deflection after deflection.
Moreover, if you come in here to voice your opinion, don’t act like you don’t care how others feel. Nobody spends this much time arguing and deflecting the same points all because they don’t care. I think, deep down, it bothers you that people feel this way about the mount, and I think the reason why it bothers you is because you know that there’s a slight possibility you overpaid for something that isn’t worth the asking price.
People vocalizing this discontent forces you to confront it, so you’d rather just tell them to shut up instead of perhaps reflecting on it.
That is, of course, speculation, but it’s speculation grounded in observations and action.
Prices will absolutely increase over time. Its inevitable, if only because of overhead costs increasing for the company.
Toss in the idea that this IS a corporation…and they HATE this quarters earnings being equal to or less than last quarter, and yeah…its pretty easy math there to conclude that it only goes up from here.
And thats where the consumer decides to pay for the hobby…or walk.
Especially if they feel blizzard is ‘scummy’ or a dozen other derogatory words that have been used in here for the company.
I dont support companies I believe are ‘scummy’ or ripping me off…but evidently some bruto haters in here dont mind financially supporting a business they claim is up to no good…go figure