Trader’s Gilded Brutosaur $90.00 Ripoff!

and thats a REAL problem.

WHO KNOWS if MS is gonna recant and actually get directly involved if blizzard isnt hitting sales numbers.
They could start cutting staff again or worse.

all this whining over 90 bucks no one is required to spend that is clearly boosting blizzards profit margins and helping to keep this game running.

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Now that I agree with.
Get the most you CAN get without running off customers.
90 bucks seems to have been the magic number.

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That’s all good on paper. But you than add unscrupulous humans to the equation and you get artificially hiked prices.

There is quite literally an economic theory on the matter called cost-push inflation, and it’s one of the three tenets for why we’re witnessing inflation today next to demand-pull inflation and built-in inflation lol

You gotta be kidding LOL.

Unscrupulous humans who will see their revenue drop as they raise prices. Now granted everyone doesn’t leave at once if prices are too high. The FOMO people hang on the longest.

But then FOMO people are people who could benefit from a 12 step program to learn how to take responsibility for how they spend their money.

Yep, Agreed.

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I think y’all need to work more hours or go walk your dog or ride a bike. Maybe even go play some DDR.

They’ll reduce the price for the holidays im guessing

I think that’s highly unlikely considering it’s a limited-time offer and is priced at an absurdly high premium, but I would certainly love to witness the spectacle that would occur if they did lmao

Ooooooh! that would be soooo funny!

that would be nice…maybe half price for the last two weeks.

But history says Ion isnt gonna back down on this bruto any more than he did the last one.

Oh sure sure. Yes, and your other theory is that the world is flat.

Pssst: I know you didn’t put me on ignore…hehehe.

Got to love when people want to argue that when you say you enjoy something and willing to play for it. That there is this little group who keep trying to tell you that somehow you don’t know that you really don’t enjoy something, you don’t know how to spend your money and that somehow you actual hate something that you love.

They keep trying to tell you somehow your point of view of saying that you actually see something as worth it (to yourself) not once did you say to them they are incorrect by saying its not worth it to them, you simple tell them fine then don’t buy it.

But they keep coming back each time and saying for what ever reason you are in the wrong for buying it based off their own reasoning of not wanting it themselves.

As I have said so many times in this topic, if you do not see the value in something in the store priced the way it is, to either spend your real money or gold, then simply don’t do it. But trust me when I say that there is more than enough players who do see it worth it and support it more than enough for it to be priced where its at.

No one faults you for choosing not to buy it for your own reasons. Its just strait up stupid of you to think you can force everyone else to not buy it based on your reasons when the people who have clearly state that have a use or a greater feeling of worth over the item than you do.

Thus there is a market for this mount to be $90, even if you think its wrong because to you its just another mount in a game and holds no value to you personally. To others it does and to those of us that see a value, we are happy to pay the $90 and feel it was worth it.

Just how hard is that to understand. To all of us that have the mount or will get it before it stops being in the store. Its not a ripoff but worth the investment. And we don’t have our undies in a bunch over it.

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its projection, lol. Theyre unhappy and they NEED for US to be unhappy too lmao.

CLEARLY or we wouldnt have seen so many of htem the first day of release.


Just how hard is it to understand that people think this mount is a bliz ripoff.

That’s a huge false statement. You should be ashamed of yourself.

oh…they understand. Theyre clearly raging over not having the money themselves.

they had 9 WEEKS to farm the gold…so zero sympathy

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Listen to logic, Son…hehehe…Oh I forgot you are not running on logic…
I know you didn’t put me on ignore…hehehehehehe.

Dang players are still Battling over this new Long Boi…damn…


yup…still fittin over 90 bucks lol

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