Well for some topics.
Oh really?
You had no issue linking multiple things when you thought they worked.
Now you don’t want to link? Sounds like empty threats.
Either you’re going to do it or you won’t.
But you’re still going to be a whale and a moron at the end of the day.
I counter peoples arguments or statements with the actual reasons of the other side to them. I have never once called anyone poor or pathetic or even claim by not buying the mount they are somehow fanatically burden.
When I reply to someone that says they don’t think its worth it, the only answer back is, simply don’t buy it then and be done with it. They are not inputting any further input as to why its not worth it to them but that, so just simply the answer is, then don’t buy it.
A ripoff insinuates that a product is faulty in someway, IE you advertise as something its not. This AH mount does everything its advertised to do 100%. Looks the way its advertised to look. When you buy it, it comes 100% fully as advertised. In in no way are you bamboozled into buying something that doesn’t work, this its not a ripoff by the meaning.
Is it worth $90 or the 1.2 million in gold, that is a person persons choice. And has zero baring on the game or game play of others. Either you feel it is, or you feel it aint. I can list and have every reason I feel its worth it to me. And you can list every reason you feel its not to you.
Nothing is going to change the fact you feel its not, and nothing going to change the fact I feel it was good for me to buy it.
That should be something we both can agree on.
How ever when someone post anything on this forum and everyone should know this by now you get peoples feed back and more than likely not agreeing with the person that post it, and the longer people continue going back n forth, the more it keeps going.
In a lot of ways its just another form of entertainment allowed by Blizzard.
I am sitting here on the AH mount listing things on the AH, and about to go out and farm some more and do more week chores. And in RL I stuffing my face with a bologna sandwich and pepsi-cola.
I pretty much Park myself on whatever character I’m playing on the new Bruto when I’m done for the day.
I’ve been playing with the mount so much that I’m not even doing any real farming LOL
I will tell you about myself, I have 3 active accounts. I would rate myself as hardcare. I have well over 40 toon that are near max level on all of them many are max level. I have gold cap on a couple toons. I raid, do world quest, farm nodes. play the AH. Stream Live video on multi platforms. I spend 99.9 % of my time in retail WoW when it comes to WoW. Have very little interest in classic. Been there and done that when it was retail because I been playing WoW since it 1st came out and never have unsubbed not once.
I have a nice fat guild I run, and my guild members earn and get rewards from me, such as free subs, mounts and even xpacs gifted to them. See WoW is actually fun and active and I enjoy it and doing things in it. I have a positive outlook in it and for people I am around with in groups. Means everyone enjoy it and has fun. Its not all doom and gloom.
If they want to call me a whale, lol that’s fine, I am sure since I served many years in the US Navy. I been called far worse names in many foreign languages around the world.